This is my son Christopher. He is 15 years old and lives in Kentucky with his father. Every summer I am blessed with his presence at my home. We have a very close relationship. (we are just alike) He is a very outgoing young man who loves to play music and even writes songs to Jesus. He plays multiple instruments that include rhythm and electric guitar, coronet, piano and more. He is also very athletic and plays baseball, basketball and wrestles. He received Christ as his Lord 2 years ago and got baptized 1 year ago. This is due to a merciful and gracious Lord. Christopher has a huge heart and puts it into action. He began a food drive for the poor in his small town while his mother (Me) was homeless. Christopher has a massive call on his life, and I do not hesitate to tell him every time we speak. I am very proud of my son. He is my second greatest gift from God, Jesus being the first! Please keep him in your prayers as he is not only my future but yours too. His desire is to be president and show the US how it is really done. Why not dream a God-sized dream?!?! With God, all things are possible; Trust me, I know!