As I began thinking about my upcoming trip, the first thing that comes to mind is the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20.”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (ESV). Jesus is calling all of us out into the world to proclaim the Good News. I believe there is more to the phrase “out into the world” than what most people think. I see that there are two different aspects of “into the world.”

First, we have going out into the world, like Paul and other missionaries in today’s time. Notice that Paul in the New Testament was all over. Even when he was in prison and on house arrest he was still around. He spoke to people of Rome, Ephesus, Philippi, Galatia, etc. Even in the Old Testament when God told Abraham to go out to the Land that he will give to him and his family. As Abraham is going out through his journey, people begin to see that Yahweh is with them. Throughout the Exodus, the same thing happens. Others see God through Abraham’s people. These people are going out into the world in becoming a Light to the Nations.

The second part I believe you can see is through your own community. The reason why I believe “the world” means community is because we see that during Jesus ministry he traveled around Israel. He did not travel to other countries. He did miracles within his own community. Jesus went from one side of the country to other but did not leave. His community was his country he lived in.

So why did I write about the Great Commission? Each one of us play a part into going out into the world. As for me and others, my calling is out to other countries. Then there are others their focus of the world is their community. When each of us continuously play our part into the mission Jesus gave us, we become a powerful force that Lights up the world. We cannot be stopped when we all root ourselves in Jesus.

Part of the way we come together is supporting each other throughout any circumstance. Supporting others can come in different ways. One way that is a must is in constant prayer for each other. Pray that we endure the race that God had put in place for our life. The next way you can support each other is financially. In my case, in order to become a Light in the world I need to raise $19,200. But there are deadlines that I have to meet as well. My first deadline is $5,000 by May. You can be apart of my journey by supporting me while following this blog to follow along with my experience. Some of you may think it’s too late to travel for yourself but my goal through the blog is to make you feel like you are here with me on this trip. Please be in prayer with me for this trip and all of our financial, physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional needs.

Another way to help is being apart of my first fundraiser. I am selling T-Shirts for $20 a piece. Below is a picture of what they look like. Please let me know if you want to be apart of this mission with me. I am truly excited to see what God has in store you and I on this journey.