When I first moved to Winston Salem I didn’t know anyone besides my wonderful aunt and uncle, Alice and Wayne Willis. For several months I was extremely lonely, and although God used that time to strengthen my relationship with Him, I had questioned my decision in moving so far away from familiarity.

I was struggling to find a job, I didn’t have any good Christian friends, I couldn’t find a church I really fit in with, and I had very few networks. My life in Winston Salem was not as I had expected it, and I was so frustrated with the constant dead ends.

I was so tired of doing everything by myself, and I found myself constantly praying God would simply introduce me to a good Christian friend. All I wanted was one.

Well one Sunday morning, I was walking into Calvary baptist by myself, just like I did every other Sunday, only to find they weren’t having the Elevate service that particular morning. There was no one around to ask, and the church is so large and the layout is so confusing that I had no idea where to go so I just began walking through the hallways hoping to eventually run into someone. I was walking up a flight of stairs when suddenly I run into a middle aged woman and her son. They were literally the only two people I had seen since walking into the church that morning.

I ask the lady, “do you know if they are having Elevate this morning?”

She responds, “apparently they are having the service in the main sanctuary which I didn’t know until this morning…” clearly she could tell I didn’t know where I was because she then asks, “do you know how to get to the main sanctuary?”

Thankful for her help I answer, “no, I have no clue.”

On our short walk to the main sanctuary I tell her briefly why, when, and from where I moved. I explained to her how my dad was mentored by Gary Chapman when he was younger, and that was part of the reason I was attending Calvary… so that I could eventually meet this man my dad had always spoken so highly of.

When we finally get to the sanctuary I said thank you, assuming she would want to part ways since she clearly knew a lot of people at Calvary and probably had her own group of friends she would want to sit with.

False… to my surprise, she asks me to sit with her in the balcony.

Well, I hadn’t sat with anyone at church for such a long time, I was not about to pass up the company. At the end of the service she had given me her number, invited me over for dinner with her family, and introduced me to Gary Chapman right then and there.

The amount of love that I had received from this woman in a mere 60 minutes was incredible, and I was overwhelmed by how she embraced me with wide open arms.

The next weekend, I nervously and hesitantly called her asking if she wanted to sit together at church again, and can I just say… calling her that Sunday may have been the best decision I’ve ever made. Since our obviously God ordained encounter in the hallway, this woman, Lanie Ehlinger, has become such a wonderful friend, mentor, encourager, spiritual leader, and prayer warrior. She brought me in at a time when I was extremely discouraged, and lonely, and embraced me in a way not many people have. Of all the people I could randomly meet in the hallway, God definitely introduced me to the best one by far.

Through her I have met some of the most wonderful, Godly friends and families. To name a few: Kathy Temple, Casey Henderson, Mary Jones, Michelle Calhoun, Joanna Andrews, and not to mention the beautiful Imago Dei woman; Gwynn Smithdeal, Tina Parker, Karen Simmons, Becca Chase, just to name a few. And my ENTIRE Bible Fellowship class at Calvary. So MANY incredible individuals and families… my cup runneth over. All stemming from one single interaction with a middle aged woman and her son one Sunday morning.

God works in moments.

I prayed for ONE single Christian friend, and I feel like God gave me an army. He has deeply enriched my fellowship down here in Winston Salem. I have been so blessed by every single one of the incredible people God has place in my life in the short amount of time I’ve been living in Winston Salem. This is the story of Lanie, but I feel as though I have enough stories to make a book. Seriously a book.

This evening, Sunday May 18th, my Bible Fellowship class at Calvary Baptist has so generously come together to put on a fundraising event to support my journey on the World Race. I don’t know how the turn out will be, and I don’t know how much money will be raised, but I do know one thing for certain. No matter what the results, I have felt so much love, encouragement, and support from everyone who has taken the time and effort to contribute something towards this fundraiser.The amount of joy and warmth it has brought to my heart is indescribable. This event has been such a HUGE answer to prayers, and it is just so amazing to see God at work in every detail of this journey.

No matter where life takes me, Winston Salem, NC, and the endless list of beautiful individuals I have met here will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart. I love each and every one of you, and I am so excited to share this journey with you!


With love,
