Hey ya’ll, I’m Jasmine!!

Last May I graduated from Malone University, a small Christian college in Canton, Ohio. I graduated with a major in business administration, a concentration in marketing, and a minor in sports management. I moved to Winston Salem, NC recently after graduation just for something different. I had lived in Ohio my entire life, and was ready for a change of pace!

I’m currently a manager at a Planet Fitness in Winston Salem, and I absolutely LOVE my job. I love the people I work with, the members who come in, and the atmosphere in general. I love that I can have such an impact in peoples lives in an area that is so easily neglected. I have the chance to simply encourage people when they get down, teach them when they have questions, cheer them on when they just had the best workout of their week, and just simply be there as a consistent face for them to see when they come in. It’s a great feeling when you see how happy people can be when they include a friendly face, and a little fitness into their daily routine.


With that said I’ll tell you a little about my past…

– We’ll start with my fam. I am the second oldest of four. I have on older brother, a younger brother, a younger sister, and a nephew who happens to be quite the ladies man.

– My dad owns a realty business so growing up I did all sorts of construction work on his houses. Anything from roofing, to redoing windows, to completely renovating the interior… we did it all. We ran into some pretty nasty situations, and at times I despised my dad when he said we had to go work on a house, but I will say that what I’ve learned while working for my dad has been surprisingly helpful in life. I mean besides knowing how to one day fix things in my own house, it’s been helpful on missions trips as well. It’s been neat to see how God has used the knowledge I’ve gained while working for my dad on different missions trips and service learning trips, and I have no doubt He will use this knowledge on the World Race as well.

– I played DII soccer all four years of college, and it was one of the best decisions of my life. It was not easy, but I learned so much from my teammates, coaches, trainers, athletic department staff, and anyone else involved in athletics at MU. Looking back, I’ve found that so much of what I learned can already be applied to my life on a daily basis. Not to mention the relationships I built with the other seniors on the team will last a lifetime. I will always be a Pioneer at heart 🙂


– I love to sing!!! Three of four years in college I sang in Women’s Choir and Chorale. Let me just tell you… the Christmas at Malone concerts are MAGICAL! Ah I would do anything to sing in another Christmas at Malone concert. It’s incredible how God can move through music. I always feel a strong connection to God when I am worshiping Him with my voice and through the beauty of music. I wouldn’t say I’m that talented musically, but my family has always done a lot of concerts together so it’s an area of my life that holds an array of cherished memories. To say it holds a special place in my heart is an understatement.

– I love the great outdoors!! No matter what the weather, I love outdoor adventures. Camping, hiking, kayaking, biking, swimming, snowboarding, boating, fishing, picnics and whatever else you can think of. I feel so much closer to God when I’m in the middle of nature instead of in the hustle bustle of a big city (which don’t get me wrong, I love cities as well,  but in doses).

– I grew up with a ski resort in my backyard so I. LOVE. SNOWBOARDING. (and skiing, but I prefer boarding). And yes, for those of you who were wondering… I seriously miss not having snow in the winter down here in North Carolina.

– Lastly, I love photography! I know a lot of girls love photography, and yes a lot do, BUT, I want to at least explain why I do… (and it’s not because I like to take pictures of myself!!!) My favorite scene to photograph is nature. I love capturing the beautiful world God gave us to enjoy. When I go on a hike with just myself and my camera I honestly feel so close to God. When I look around me, I’m in awe at how beautiful even the little things are, and I just can’t help but to capture it through a lens so others can enjoy it as well!