As I wake up this morning, stretching in my nice cozy warm bed. Do my usual routine every Monday morning. Crawl out of bed, do my hair, get my nice big cup of joe, I really start to look back. Man 2014 was really one for the books… I made amazing new friends, my relationship with Christ has really grown, and I have stepped out of my comfort zone. But thats just it. Have I really stepped out of my comfort zone that much? 
Yes I can say I have stepped out of my comfort zone a small amount. I joined the greeting team with Agape (my college ministry), I’ve done outreach, and I do childrens ministry, but have I REALLY jumped out of sheild of comfort and layed it all out. Have I gone up to a stranger and ask her is she needed prayer for anything? Stopped to help someone on the side of the road with car trouble?
I feel like we as people enjoy to stay in our comfort zones. We enjoy to stay with the same group of friends. We have the same routine everyday. I think I stay to myself too much. There is so much going on around us that sometimes I think some of us don’t even realize it and that’s because we are so used to our comfort.
My college Pastor Derek always tells us “Get out of these four walls, make a difference”, and let me tell you it has really been ringing in my ears. 

 That is why 2015 is going to be so great for me. I’m wanting to step out of my comfort zone, to push myself, test myself, to have that adventure, but to mainly, to completely rely on God. I’m ready to see where the World Race takes me. Ready for God to put me in situations where I need to rely on Him to guide me. I’m going to have to talk to strangers who might not even speak the same language as me. Talk to people who might not even know who the greatest person is, who loves each and every one of us. Hike up places, and live in a tent. (anyone can tell you that 1. I dont hike, and 2. well I haven’t been camping since Girl Scouts).
My friends, family, my job, the people I’m surrounding myself around. Thats my earthly comfort. When I leave in July there will be times where I won’t have that comfort. But I know where I will find my comfort. With Him. I will look to Him at all times.

“Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him.
Truly He is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” -Psalm 62:1-2

I will find my strength in Him. My rest in Him. My hope in Him. My COMFORT in Him. 

“May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to servant.
Let your compassion come to me that I may live, 
for your law is my delight.” -Psalm 119:76-77

SO WITH THAT BEING SAID, bring it on 2015, I’m ready for you.