Hey guys! Since accepting my place on the Race I have gotten many questions today I’m going to answer a few of them such as the countries I’ll be going to,  what will I be doing in each country and many of you guys have expressed some form of concern about my safety. So settle in and enjoy this update.

11 countries in 11 months crazy to wrap our minds around such a daunting task. My journey begins in June and the first destination will be… drum roll please… Guatemala! Then moving on to Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Morocco, Ethiopia, Djibouti, India, Nepal,Myanma, Thailand, and Indonesia.


My first month on the World Race I’ll be in Guatemala, recently nicknamed the “New Jerusalem,” as it is the most evangelical nation in the world. My team will come alongside local believers working to being the hope of God to a new generation. 


My 2nd month will continue moving south in Central America to the thick rainforests, rugged highlands and breathtaking crystal lakes of Nicaragua. Similar to Guatemala, Nicaragua has a large population of people who know the Gospel, even though there is great poverty and political turmoil. 

Costa Rica 

My last month in Central America will be in the peaceful paradise of Costa Rica.  We’ve been told that we will quickly grow to love the slow, ” pura vida” lifestyle. Our main focus will be to partner with local churches to share the Gospel with rural communities, especially in impoverished border towns.


After 3 months in Central America,  my team will travel to Morocco, a traditional Arabian country with great French influence, cobblestone streets, and iconic architecture. Long-term missionaries have to be careful about their indentities but I’m encouraged to be bold and freely share my faith. 


Staying in Africa, my next stop is Ethiopia, a nation that has never been colonized and had one of the oldest cultures in the world. We’ll be helping out partners share our faith in Jesus with at risk kids while helping them with school work. Ethiopia is also the coffee country so I will be drinking as much coffee as possible and probably be sending some home as well. My squadmates and I could even be invited to attend a coffee blessing and listen to incredible stories the locals have.


My last stop in Africa is a brand new country forcthe World Race, Djibouti! Most of my squad will work alongside the large population of refugees from war-torn Somalia and Yemen. We’ll be partnering with some of the only aid organizations sharing the love of God alongside their care. My squad and I get to have a unique and somewhat daunting task of pioneering this nation.


Next, I’ll travel to India, a country like no other. Past Racers have lived and served in Southern India, where villages and cities are equally bustling with activity, blaring horns, and whizzing tuk-tuks. What past Racers have done is partnered with a local movement to plant 100,000 churches. We’re told to expect to be invited into peoples home to sit and talk and enjoy a cup of Chai.


After our time in India, I’ll travel north to the very spiritual and breathtaking, mountainous country of Nepal. Home to Mount Everest, the largest mountain in the world, Nepal literally sits on top of the World. We’ll be sharing the Gospel with marginalized people especially those in rural areas during the coldest month of the year! I will find myself walking long distances to share my faith over a cup of milk tea.


My 9th month will take me to Southeast Asia stopping in the exotic and mysterious Myanmar. In recent years this nation was under violent military rule and highly isolated from the rest of the world.  They opened their doors to the world less than 10 years ago and are eager to meet foreigners. Most people have never heard the Gospel and are very open to hearing more about Jesus. I have to be subtle, but there is a great need for church planting and evangelism and short-term teams like mine to be highly effective.


After my month in Myanmar I’ll go next door to Thailand, known for its stunning beaches, friendly people and bustling outdoor food markets. We’re told we will feel welcome here, but are warned about the darkness that plagues this region: human trafficking.  We will be spending lots of time covering our teammates and the streets in prayer.


My final month on the Race wraps up in Indonesia, the biggest island nation on Earth and home to the largest Muslim population in the world. We are highly encouraged to build trust through relationships in order to shate our faith. This is still a relatively new country for World Race, but whether we’re in densely packed cities, thick jungles, or long rural stretches, we’ll have the opportunity to find local Christians and continue to build on relationships. 


Many of my friends and family are thrilled for me to go on the Race, but are very concerned for my safety. This is the statement on the Adventures in Mission’s website FAQ page that addresses the concern of safety:

“We recognize travel brings risk. We have worked hard to put extensive safety protocols in place. That said, the World Race is not for everyone. In particular, all Racers need to consider things happen we can’t predict. People get sick and accidents happen. Because we minister to “the least of these” it is likely you will meet people suffering from a variety of diseases. 

I pray that statement gives you all peace of mind for my squadmates and my safety.