My name is James Geither and I am very excited to be apart of this experience. I sincerely hope to not only change my life, but the lives of those around me through this trip.


I am currently 17 years old and I was born and raised in Ohio. I accepted God into my life at the age of 13. I am currently apart of a non-denominational church. I am currently in High School, but I will graduate by the time of the missions trip. I have gone on two missions trips before in my life and each have changed my perspective of life and what God means to me. I’ve seen how missions have affected those involved and I want to bring that joy and life-changing experience to others.


My family has been very supportive of my decision to partake on this trip and I couldn’t do this without them.


My favorite verse:

  • John 16:33-“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


My Hobbies:

  • Programming
  • Reading
  • Games(video and board)
  • Drawing
  • Skiing


Plans after my missions trip:

  • After my missions trip assuming nothing changes(which is very possible that something will change) I plan to go to college for a Masters degree in some technological branch, potentially computer engineering or software Engineering.  


Thank you for you time and reading about me and who I am and I hope that you will donate if you feel called to. 🙂