Then you’re following silly. Here’s the thing to remember. The musician follows the singer. If you are playing, and not leading the singing, you are not the leader.The singer is leading the words and the worship. If you are playing and singing, then you are in a prime place to lead, because you can control the flow of music by words and instrument. If you aren’t singing, then you need to follow the singer, and pray they know what they are doing. And if they don’t, then you still follow them. It’s important to let them know this, because they will give you a deer in the headlights look in the middle of the song in they don’t understand that they are leading and can trust you to follow. If you are singing and the leader, then you need to lead. If you have the most beautiful voice in the world but are not capable of leading the group, then you need to follow.

Short one today. Next time we’re gonna talk about finding the right key for a song, and creative control.