. . . since everybody seems to have these concepts mastered, we’ll move right along. I think I’ve talked enough about theory. If there are any questions, forum is still open. Just keep working on scales and chords and knowing what goes where.

Another thing to work on is repertoire (the songs you know). So start playing. Find a song you like, and figure out how to play it or look it up. Then play it. And sing it. And then find another song. Play with someone else if you can. Learn a bunch of songs, and learn different kinds. And you don’t have to learn all praise and worship songs. Some people can be blessed through music outside of a praise and worship setting. Just be thoughtful of the content.

Added to this would be your listening library. It’s too narrow. “But James, you don’t know what I listen to!” It’s too narrow. Expand your mind. I’m not saying you have to totally change what you like to listen to. I’m saying that you should give other styles of music a chance. If you can, try to listen to music ourside the western culture. If you’re thinking “I can’t afford to buy all this new music” try your local library. Yes, it still exists. You can also try pandora.com which will take an artist you put in and give you music that is similar. And it’s free.

In terms of a worship repertoire, maybe try to put a few sets together that you have ready. It wouldn’t hurt to have several songs in one key, which will let you just continue from one song to another. Three or four songs in G, then a few in E or D is helpful.

Next time we’re gonna talk about writing music. Peace.