Our group has finally made it to lake Atitlan (spell check). We´re bunking with team 61 having a good time of fellowship. Having various options for ministry, I decided to go to the neighboring village and play guitar and talk with the hippies which I was told frequent this area of the lake.  So we hopped in a pick up and drove over to San Pedro, the next town over. Amanda said the hippies hang out where the boats launched so we walked down to the water to see what we could see. And all that we could see, was no hippies.

Not giving up so easily,  Andrew Candice and I walked down a street and stopped at a little open aired cafe (I´m actually sitting in it right now).  Candice ordered a drink, Andrew hopped on the internet to check on something, and I asked if I could sit and play some. The owner said sure.  So I pulled out my little guitar I recently bought, took it out of my homemade case (that you can see in my profile pic) and started to play.

During my second song, a lady came up and started talking to Candice. After my song finished she turned to me and said ¨My boyfriend wants you to play at his cafe, he like the way you sing¨

¨Sounds great¨ I said.

¨Are you professional?¨ She inquired?

¨Sure.¨ I replied.

¨Well there is a movie we are showing tonight and you can play after that. You will eat free too. Whatever you want, you point to the menu and you will get it.¨


So I kept playing some more and she came back in about 5 minutes with my own little Flyer! (Having photo difficulty, I´ll post them later).  So we started making our way back so I could get some practice in for the big gig. Meanwhile, my teamates are telling everyone that passes to come and hear me.

¨What are you playing?¨

¨Do you have any requests?¨

¨Bob Dylan  . . . and Cat Stevens.¨

¨Uh, okay.¨

So I went and practiced the songs I had, learned a couple Bob Dylan songs (didn´t have any Cat Stevens recordings) and returned for the movie and dinner. Team 61 came for support.

All in all, it was a great night. The Israeli Bob Dylan fans came, and so did several others we had talked to on the streets. I sang a collection of secular and Christian songs, and my team felloshiped with those there. Telling people about our trip, what we are doing, why we are doing it.

At the end of the night, the owner said I was cool and could come back anytime to play. I´ve gotta think this is what ministry looks like: Doing what you do well and sharing it with others in love.

Special thanks to Stacy and Fredrick the Swede for playing a couple songs and giving me a voice break during the night. Peace.