So I’m taking a break from music blogging to let you know what’s going on in my life right now. I’m typing. But seriously, I’me getting things together to get ready for the race.

I just bought my shoes and a cool jacket, so all I have left for gear is a tent and a sleeping bag. This Saturday I’m singing at the coffee shop I work at and using all the loads of money I’ll get from tips (hopefully) towards this gear. I’m really not ready to sing, but it just seemed like the thing to do, so I’ve been getting songs together and practicing for tomorrow night.

Tomorrow afternoon is our family reunion at Mom’s house. It’s going to be alot of fun. And the food is always amazing. Josh and John and John’s fiance are coming in so it will be a good time of fellowship.

I’m going to the Bahamas the week before Thanksgiving. I don’t want to go into all the details of that righ tnow, but I’d appreciate any prayers towards that trip.

It just seems like there’s so much left to do. I’ve gotten alot done, but there’s always something else lurking around the corner. I’m getting really excited though, I get more and more confirmation that I was meant to be on this trip every day.

I’m out of stuff concerning the music blog, if there is anything you’d like for me to address, please let me know and I’ll be more than happy to blog away. Peace.