Because Chile stretches two-thirds the length of South America, it is home to an impressively varied climate: from the world’s driest desert in the north to Patagonia in the south. It is a country rich in history, culture, and the arts, and is a popular tourist destination in South America. Chile is also one of the most prosperous and successful countries on the continent, with a high standard of living and continual economic growth. About 85% of its people live in major cities, with the rest of the population in more rural areas. There is so much this beautiful country has to offer the world. Will you serve God and join where He is at work in Chile?

Although the poorest country in South America, Bolivia is the wealthiest in terms of natural resources. From the Andes Mountains to the Amazon Basin, Bolivia is full of natural beauty. However, the truth wealth of Bolivia is its people. The most indigenous country in South America, over 60% of the population traces their heritage back to one of over 30 different ethnic groups. Ancient traditions and social customs heavily influence the local culture. Will you share your life-changing faith in Bolivia?

Argentina is the largest Spanish-speaking country in South America and the 8th largest country in the world. It is a nation of immigrants, where the mix of languages and cultures have created something all its own. Paraguay is home to swampland and vast wilderness. Though still highly influenced by its indigenous language and culture, there is a huge divide between the rich and the poor classes of Paraguay. Both nations ascribe to Roman Catholicism, but this religion often lacks a personal relationship with Jesus. Will you share His love in Argentina and Paraguay?

Cambodia boasts the famous Angkor Wat, a Hindu temple that later became a Buddhist monastery. Hidden for centuries under dense jungle, today Angkor Wat is one of most photographed places in the world. Cambodia itself is struggling to heal from one of the worst genocides in modern history. In the 1970’s, the Khmer Rouge killed over 1.5 million men, women, and children. Faced with inconceivable poverty and desperation, Cambodia became a source, transit point, and destination for human trafficking. The people of Cambodia are hungry for hope and healing. Will you share it with them?

Behind Thailand’s beautiful beaches, its people’s smiling faces, and the tropical jungles lies a terrible secret: modern day slavery. In Buddhist culture, women work to support their families so men can earn spiritual merit as monks. Many parents send their daughters to work in cities where the only option is prostitution. As the country’s natural beauty continues to draw visitors, sexual tourism continues to grow. It’s estimated 60% of tourists visit the Red Light Districts—and 90% of Thai men visit local karaoke bars for the same reason. Will you share the freedom of Christ with the broken in Thailand?

Formerly part of Communist Yugoslavia, Serbia’s people have a story to tell. The Balkan Peninsula has a long history of ethnic tension, as reorganized borders don’t always match the people living within the nation. While many ethnic Serbs live in Albania, Montenegro, and other nearby countries, many of within Serbia’s borders claim another country as home. Great social injustices on both sides have led to organized crime and human trafficking. Those living in the Balkan Peninsula are hungry for hope and restoration. Will you help them experience the healing power of God’s love?

The lore of Dracula brings thousands to explore the history and beauty of Romania, from its castles to the idyllic countryside dotted with horse drawn buggies and endless herds of sheep. Formerly part of the Soviet Union, Romania is quickly rising out of the impoverished state leftover from that era. Still, economic growth is an impossible dream for many orphans and widows, who struggle to for food and hope for the future. Will you share the good news of being remembered and loved by God with those who feel forgotten and alone?

Formerly part of the Eastern Bloc, Bulgaria remained under socialism until 1990. Today this democratic nation is part of the European Union. The sixth country to put an astronaut in space, Bulgaria has the second highest amount of Mensa members in the world. It is also a primary source, transit, and destination point for human trafficking in Eastern Europe. The people of Bulgaria are some of the most intelligent in the world. They hunger for more, yet many do not realize everything they seek can be found in Jesus Christ. Will you share the love of Jesus in Bulgaria?

Located in the Horn of Africa, Middle Eastern and African tribal influences touch every corner of Ethiopia. The birthplace of coffee, literary and archaeological discoveries date back to Bible times. The Orthodox Church even claims to have the Ark of the Covenant. It’s also a nation well acquainted with pain. In the last century, civil wars and famine devastated the land. Those in rural villages remain isolated, without clean water or access to markets, and the country’s ability to provide basic services is strained. Will you share the love of Jesus with people hungry for hope?

Still hurting from the horrific genocide of 1994, Rwanda searches for healing. Originally home to three tribes, the Twa (known as pygmies), Hutus, and the Tutsis, Rwanda’s history of ethnic tension is long. In 1994 over 800,000 Tutsis were killed and two million Rwandans were displaced. Barely two decades later, the memory is still too fresh. While 38% of the population is Christian, it seems the Christian God is synonymous with the traditional Rwandan god, Imana. Will you share the hope and healing of the Living God with the hurting in Rwanda?

Once a kingdom and British protectorate, for most of the later half of the 20th century, Uganda was under military rule, first under Idi Amin, the subject of the film The Last King of Scotland. Much of northern Uganda was also troubled by the Lord’s Resistance Army, which heavily recruited child soldiers. Referred to as the Pearl of Africa, Uganda is diverse in topography and wildlife. You may find yourself in the north partnering with ministries that are bringing still-needed healing and reconciliation or in the south working with churches to evangelize and disciple the next generation of Kingdom workers.