Hey Friends,  

I’m 24 years old and right now I am getting ready to go on a mission trip with Adventures for their Unscripted World Race route.

Born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It will always be home, I have a lot of good friends and family. I am the youngest out of three and still annoy my two older brothers. My oldest brother Adrian is former Army Ranger and now currently a fire fighter. My middle brother Adam is a former motor cycle mechanic and now does sheet metal and HVAC construction. My mom is an absolute legend and she is a pediatric nurse. My dad is a retired Army vet and recruiter, and now he coaches football at one of the local  High Schools. 

I accepted Christ into my life in 2012 when I went to a Young Life camp and my leader showed me who Jesus was and what life to the full is like. After that I became a Young Life Leader at Cibola High School and got to do what God called me to do and that was bring out the best in people. I have a heart for all people and wanted to continue to serve so I asked God what was next. So, after graduating from the University of New Mexico God provided an opportunity to be the High School Student Director or Youth Minister at a local church. It was definitely a challenging season where God grew me and pushed me to become better. Where I really had to lean on the Lord. And in that season he told me to step out in faith. 

I think for me I am pretty obedient but God was like I need you to take a leap of Faith. God has been speaking to me about just going, but I had no idea where or what or how, but he has revealed to me it is the World Race. A mission where Ill get to travel the world sharing the gospel and being the hands and feet of christ. Let me tell you, I am scared and it seems daunting but God has said to me “Take Courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid. I am so excited for this opportunity to go on this mission that will take place in 11 countries in 11 months. I have been challenged with completely asking God to provide and grow me from this whole process, that God is only allowed to freely work in our lives when we trust Him with it all. 

So friends, if you would partner with me in bringing God’s Kingdom through prayer and financial support, it would be greatly appreciated. Continue to check out my blog to hear more about my upcoming journey.