We left Wisconsin and headed to Washington. We drove through the badlands, Yellowstone park, and horseshoe bend. We visited so many places that left me in awe this year. We got to the campsite in Washington. We stayed at a KOA campsite, and that was an incredible campsite. It’s hard to believe after going to 13 countries in 11 months, and 20+ states that we did four times as much camping in the states. I really enjoy camping and being out in the wilderness. I feel we had a good mix of both inner city and wilderness this year. We worked with A-Life Church in Bellingham, Washington. We did a debrief there and had wonderful teachings by our coaches and mentors. God was teaching me lots at the time and looking back it was a hard but, a beautiful time. I was still going through trails and felt in the fire on how to perceive past mistakes before I knew Jesus. I could feel fear, I see now that I had fear of being exposed and how God uses past mistakes for his glory. I can see now clearly what God was putting me through at that time. He was cleansing out wounds and opening them to fill them with Love and deeper intimacy. He uses what you’ve been through for his glory. I spend a lot of the year trying to get rid of thoughts, fear, shame, and guilt.. to come to realize that I have no shame, fear, condemnation, guilt if I would embrace what I’ve been through and use it for God to glory in and to realize he is my strength. It reminds me of the man by the pool that got healed, Jesus healed him and the rulers asked “Who healed you?” He’s like “I don’t know.” I realized I’ve been healed, delivered, redeemed but I had to go in to know on a deeper level who did it. Jesus just isn’t giving deliverance, he is your deliverance. It’s like Jacob wrestling with God and changing his name to Israel. Israel means “Govern by God” Jacob walked with a limp the rest of his life after God touched his hip, He has to lean on God. God was teaching me what it looks like to be fully dead in Washington. Jesus said to be fully alive, you must be fully dead. We had 540 people off he field with the international World Race, so we had two groups join World Race America. It was good to meet people and loved that they joined. I learned lots from the different groups. We worshiped, shared testimonies, and it was good fellowship. We also did an awakening. That is a teaching where people from all over, Alumni, and friends can come. They did teachings on offense, identity, outreach, and healing the heart. It was a full couple of weeks but, took away so much. We went to Seattle for my birthday! We went to the zoo, original Starbucks, and had Indian food for dinner! Washington is a beautiful state.
Washington will always have a place in my Heart. We left Washington and headed to Boise, Idaho! God is good!
I am still looking for partnership and I’m $2,800 away from being fully funded. Please pray and if God puts it on your Heart to take part in the Journey and come with me on this journey, and I can be part of yours!