If you’re a Christian, then I want you to imagine something. Imagine what your life would look without your home church. Imagine what life would look like without the community that your church has provided you. Without the people you might have initially met at a church function, but who have become family to you. You know, the ones who walk through the valleys and rejoice in the victories with you. What would your life look like without the mentor you might have found through your church, the one who shares their wisdom and experiences with you, the one who pours into you and disciples you and reminds you of what is true when the devil is trying to do the opposite. Now, imagine living in a city or village where the nearest church is hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Imagine living in a community where people not only didn’t believe in Jesus, but have never heard of him nor had the opportunity to. Think of a time that you desperately had to cling hard to the hope that we have in the gospel and the promise of eternal life in heaven. For me, it was when my uncle’s cancer first returned a few months ago. Seeing family members try to make sense of why things like this happen. I remember finding peace after reminding myself over and over that this world isn’t our home, and that we’re promised something so much better– with no pain and complete healing. Now, thinkof going through that situation without the hope we have in the gospel. I honestly can’t even imagine that. I don’t think I would have been okay. Imagine a life without the gospel, not because you chose not to believe, but because you didn’t even have the opportunity to hear it. 


This is the reality for unreached people groups. An unreached people group is a group of people in which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group without outside assistance. According to the Joshua Project (https://joshuaproject.net/) 99% of Cambodia is considered unreached, and 88% of Thailand is considered unreached. If we don’t go, who will?

This is why i’m going.

I’m currently in the midst of support raising with my Adopt A Box Fundraiser! Please consider partnering with me and adopting one or multiple boxes! Whatever box you chose is the amount you donate, for example Box 75 is $75 🙂