Hey friends,

In one week I have a financial deadline to meet. If I don’t meet this deadline, then I will have to go home early from the race. While my ultimate goal is to stay on the World Race the whole 11 months, I need to raise $3,411 in the next week in order to be able to continue fundraising and stay on the field. 

Over the last 7 weeks on the World Race, I have had the opportunity to be a part of a lot of wonderful ministries. In Chichicastenango we got to serve a local pastor and finish building the community center he was building to help feed and educate the kids in his community. He will use the community center as a platform for him to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. We helped create a garden that he is going to use to feed his local community and help provide for their needs. We got to go into the city and build relationships with the local kids and vendors, sharing the love of Jesus. We took opportunities to provide meals, pray over strangers and see God move. We got to build sweet relationships with the police and serve them as they served their community, and have a couple sweet soccer games.

We got to go out into the community of Antigua and share about Jesus with refugees, vendors, tourists and locals. We also had the chance to see healings, buy meals, provide housing, give a sweet word and encouragement. God orchestrated divine appointments that I am still blown away by.

My squad just arrived in Costa Rica 2 days ago. The opportunities are endless and I am so excited by the chance to be a part of them. Would you consider partnering with me and the ministries that are to come? I know God has a lot of sweet things in store and I would love for you to be a part of them with me. 

Tax-deductible donations can be made through this blog. You can press the orange “Donate!” button above or press right here. Please join me in prayer that the funds will come in and for my squad as we have entered a new country.

Thank you,




I wanted to give an update to this blog. 

I am currently no longer at risk of going home since enough funds came in to cover me through May. I am still fundraising to be able to stay through July though, needing to reach $9,900 to do that. Then ultimately to be fully funded for the 11 months.

If you would like to partner with me with a donation, please press that orange donate above. And please join me in prayer that I will become fully funded. 

Thank you!