“There’s a peace far beyond all understanding 

May it ever set my heart at ease

Dare anxiety come, I’ll remember 

That peace is a promise You keep

Peace is a promise You keep”

If those lyrics sound familiar to you, that’s because it is the lyrics placed together by Hillsong Young and Free. In 2018 they released this song and it’s crazy because two years ago, COVID-19 was not so catastrophic. In fact, not many even knew it was a virus with such power. When they wrote this song, they were writing about the anxiety they were facing and wanted to share where they were receiving their fulfillment in the midst of it.

Today, that song couldn’t have a deeper meaning than it does now. Maybe that’s just me, but I’ve been getting anxious as I wait for corona to pass. I’ve felt so restricted and confined, and for me, that is one of the worst feelings ever; especially being as extroverted as I am. In this time, I’m reminded of how much we need God. I was reading this morning and God reminded me yet again of how much I need him, but that’s for another post.

This one is about the important message given in this song and where they would’ve received this message. I wish I knew what specific verse they chose, but the bible is littered with references to God being our peace. The one that stood out to me is Ephesians 2:14

“For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility”

We, especially me, are reminded that our ultimate peace is in Christ. He never said he would give us peace on this earth, as a matter of fact, he states the opposites. In Matthew 10:34-36 Jesus states,

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.”

So Jesus made it very clear that his goal was never peace on earth, but he did give us peace within the midst of the turmoil. We need to remember that more than ever. Though the world is in such disarray, God sits upon His throne sovereign overall. The coronavirus is terrible and I am saddened to think of the lives it has taken, but amidst the turmoil and disarray God remains Sovereign. He promises to give us peace within ourselves so that we may live out Romans 12:16.

“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.”

COVID-19 has taken many things away, but it can NOT and will NOT touch God and the promises he gives to us. It’s through Him that we have peace even amidst the turmoil. I leave you with the last chorus of Hillsong Young and Free’s song Peace. I pray that you have peace and comfort in the midst of this turmoil.


“I’ve found peace far beyond all understanding 

let it flow when my mind’s under siege

All anxiety bows in the presence

Of Jesus the Keeper of Peace

And peace is a promise He keeps”