“What happens when you say Yes to the crazy adventures from the Lord?” – Allison Vickers
That is the question I am currently sitting with as I sit with the sun rejuvenating my cold skin. Albania’s beautiful colors and landscape reminded me that I was no longer in America. I remembered that one of my dreams was to travel the world and see, hear, taste, and feel the different cultures. I currently live out that dream, and I can hardly believe it. God has been so sweet because I can look back and remember being in my house desiring this.
I can imagine myself sitting on the couch, tv off, and the book Jesus Freaks: Voice of the Martyrs in hand. Each story captivates my thoughts and imagination, and I wonder when I will be able to enter the 10/40 window and have crazy stories like these. What crazy thing would God place in front of me to get me out there. It really wouldn’t take that much, but I wasn’t expecting it to be as gentle as a thought.
You aren’t coming back from the race. That was the thought that propelled me into packing my bag and leaving America for a more permanent stay, and while I’m in Kyrgyzstan, I’ll be opening up a business and ultimately share the Love of God through it. More on that to come. I knew it would be a weird and kind of hard transition, but it wasn’t until I was sitting on a rock listening to Allison giving her devotion in Albania that it actually hit me. I’m no longer a World Racer.
I mean that I am making my schedule, I am making my budget, the ministry is life, and life is ministry is no longer just a World Race motto and lingo; my donors now give directly to me much more. These were steps in the right direction, yet they made me so scared. The unknown and the idea of restarting a community, culture, language, and church all scared me. I mean, ‘What happens when you say Yes to the crazy adventures from the Lord?’ Crazy adventures always follow after a Yes to the Lord. This is where I’m at.
When you get scared and don’t know where to go, turn to scripture. All the people recorded in the scriptures said Yes to something crazy, and many didn’t even see that Yes get fulfilled. Hopefully, in Kyrgyzstan, I can tell you what God has done after I said Yes, but for now, I’m just saying Yes and taking a step forward.
Join me as we look at some of the awesome things God is already allowing me to do because of the Yes I gave Him.
I had the beautiful opportunity to work with my friend Brian while making videos for missionaries in Romania! It was amazing seeing God use our abilities to bless them.
I love this squad so much! I have loved every opportunity to sit and talk, pray, or give advice as God leads. I can’t wait to see what God does with them.
I also love seeing people worship God with reckless abandonment! Seeing people truly worship and pray, not caring about who is around but knowing that God is present and listening!
Jordan got to join us one day as we visited the villages to create the videos. She blessed some of the kids as she helped them with homework.
We got to pack up some food and bless some villages as we distributed them. We had a blast packing these bags, so much so that we finished it in like 30 minutes.
We were able to bless these villagers by putting together an eyeglass ministry day. It was incredible being a part of this.
Hannah sought those to share the gospel with as we waited for people to show up to the eyeglass ministry.
We made sure to share the holistic gospel, sharing our words and actions.
This is the first time some of these people could read something. So we made sure the gospel was the first thing.
We loved praying with the locals and ministering to them with the Truth of the scriptures.