Buenos días mi familia de iglesia! 

Good morning my church families, and all those reading this! I miss all of you and hope you all can keep us in your prayers. 

Romans 1:11-12

“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you — that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.”

I do long to be encouraged by all those who know me, but at the same time, I long to share the things we are experiencing here with all of you. This a beautiful place that God has made and the people are just wonderful. The markets are always full of life. We have experienced amazing moments with so many people. These pictures won’t be enough to tell the full story but, I know ya’ll will enjoy it.

I’ll probably come back and add a few more to this post because there was just so much that has happened. 

God, allow us to continue blessing Chichicastenango with your love and light. Allow us to see these people the way you see them, even those back at home. I thank you again for allowing us to be here, continue to use us in whatever way you see fit. We love God! Amen!