This is a letter I wrote to my future kid during my squad’s PVT (Parent Vision Trip) last week. It was such a wonderful time not only with my parents but with all the parents that came to see their amazing kids. I guess my mind was in the parent mode when I wrote this during one of our nights of worship. Thanks Mom and Dad for coming down to Nica and love on me and my squad so well. I love you guys. 



Dear little one,
          Somehow, someway I am already creating space in my heart for you. God is stretching my spirit to eventually be able to love fully. I can not wait for you to meet the greatest man alive, your grandpa; I pray you might be as whimsical as him. And your Grandma, may you be as supportive, empathetic and caring as she is. No one can look at you and fill you with love like her.
          May you accept anyone no matter their story like Audrey and challenge God with your questions like Annie. May you lead softly like Lissie. May you observe peoples needs like Madi, be an Advocate for the Kingdom like Abby, and let your love be active like Maggie. I pray you capture creativity like Blake and create excellence like Davey. May you bubble with laughter like Jess. When you come into the room may you change the atmosphere like Emma D.
          May your banter be encouraging like Mily, listen with care like Shea, and welcome people with a hug like Rachel. I hope you dance with Joy like Lydia and may you be passionately curious like Bailey. May your excitement for life match that of Zahli’s. May you write intentionally in peoples stories like Natalie and have a desire, like Makennah, for the Father’s eyes. May you send it like Will; with good judgment, of course.
           If you are a girl, may you be like Amanda, bringing sisterhood wherever you go. May you pursue relationships with strangers like Katie, have reverence for the LORD like Kendra, and have unreasonable amount of happiness like Christy. May you influence communities like Hunter. May you know a little bit of everything like Caitlyn. Like Cole, may you walk in confidence of who you have been created to be. May you be the Lord’s hands like Kim, and do something about the hurt in this world like Laura. May you desire holiness like Nick.
          May you say so much by sitting with the hurting in silence like Jordan, and see the world healed and whole like Daniella. May you have genuine relationships and challenge others to do the same like Megan. May you nurture like Emma S. May you magnify the LORD like Grace. And if your are a boy may you challenge your brothers to be men like Jesus and pour encouragement into them like Sam. May you practically grow the kingdom of God in a logical way like Luke, and grow wherever you are planted like Anabelle. May you see Jesus in your neighbor like Katherine, and may you cultivate laughter in all scenarios like Ashley.
          Dear little one, know this, every time we encounter someone new, we allow them to write in our story even if we do not recognize it. So, my someday child, may you be as blessed as I have been to have the stories I have, because of the people in my life that took the time to pick up the pen and write.