Hello friends,
So this is a matter of humbling myself to write my first blog post! It’s not that I don’t want to do this, but a range of emotions has been keeping me from it! Number 1 being the fact that I didnt have many people from my community supporting my choice to go on this mission, resulting in feelings of being inadequate. Also the lie that I don’t know enough people who are going to actually read it or get any good out of it! I also stuggle with insecurity, not believing that I can write anything worth reading.
But I know thats a lie, because through the power of Holy Spirit speaking through me, anything is possible. Matthew 19:26
So what brought me here? Simple..part of Gods plan for my life, Holy Spirit knocking on the door to my heart! Will I accept the call? Yes! I want to wholeheartedly!
Writing from Medellin Colombia. A beautiful city to observe from the 5th floor balcony of Fundacion Ciudad Refugio. Nestled in the valley of what I believe is the northern end of Andies Mountians. Valley and city stretches east and west as far as you can see.
With a quick look from the balcony you can’t see the pain and darkness but sadly there is alot here. We’ve been here a week. It is my prayer that our team leaders, squad mates, and myself are available mentally, emotionally, spirtually and physically for God to use us. To impact all the peoples lives we have contact with in the remaining 2 weeks here.
Met Pastor Douglas founder of Fundacion Ciudad Refugio on Saturday. Simply his warm welcome made it seem cool to be a part of the work at this foundation! The work here that we helped with in the past week reaches in multiple directions. Including VBS, homeless shelter, mens drug addiction program. Met a great group of Colombian people that got here a few days before us. They invested time and effort and did a great job leading the VBS.
Last week half the squad (not including myself) spent 3 days in Manantiales. Dave and I decided to stay and invest in the men here. Manantiales is a community of people living further up the mountian. They were forced out of their homes by members of drug gangs.
Today the question was asked are you experiencing culture shock? I hadn’t really thought of it earlier as that but after mentioning it, yes, I’m experiencing culture shock significantly. It hurts to see people sleeping everywhere in the streets!
All over the streets and at traffic lights there’s Venezuelans that may have been wealthy, now just trying to sell food, Jerseys, and candy to name a few things.
Its my request that y’all keep all of us in your prayers! Pray for open minds and hearts to willingly go where God leads and everything we accomplish matters in light of eternity!
Thank you and God Bless!
Maybe you’ve always wanted to support or do something to help needy people. Perhaps you didn’t get or take the opportunity when you were younger to go abroad to serve. Now you’re to busy or you have a family.
Im still raising funds to complete this mission.
I ask that, if through prayer you feel led to give, to support this mission and make that difference now!