"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is – His good, pleasing, and perfect will."     Romans 12:2

Don't be conformed? In todays culture that might seem like hipster nonsense. Where you try and not look hip and trendy when hipsters are actually the light of mainstream culture today. In this blog I would like to share with you what I have observed as a Christian about the church conforming with society. To quote my very good friend Stefan Jones, "If you don't have a solution to the problem then stop talking." Below is a seven minute video. It's a video that depicts the poet, Shane Koyczan, doing a spoken word about bullying. I know that might seem like a lot of time for us. If you are limited on your time then I suggest you atleast watch the video. I guarantee you that it will stir a hunger inside of you for change. 



Powerful. Not only does this show the harsh reality of a continuing cycle of bullying but Shane tells us how to persevere. How to end this. He said, "Why else would we be here?" Because we have the strength from God. Because He wants you to live. He wants you to have purpose. You have to believe that they were ARE wrong. I can relate to this video so much because I was bullied all through school. I was bullied about how I had to hunch my back just so I can put my short arms closer to the bottom of my jean pockets. I was bullied about being more feminine which supposedly meant that I was gay. Then when I went to a dance with a promiscuous girl, the gossip circle went on ahead and said that all I did was sleep around. How can they change their minds of me being gay to being a man hussy in a matter of a day? Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me? Ridiculous.

Are we any different than the kids who have been bullied in the video? Or even the bullies themselves? Because the last line in the poem was dead on. In society we believe that it is painful to be beautiful. And if we aren't beautiful then someone will come along and kick and shove and destroy your life just so you can be like the world. God has made us beautiful. He didn't design you with a certain way you walk, the clothes that you buy, the image that you present yourself. He designed you with such affectionate beauty. On the inside and outside. Don't you say at all that you aren't attractive. That is the enemy talking trying to take you down. Beauty is pain? Ridiculous.

So church? If we aren't the exact image of Christ what are you going to do? What many have done to me is started rumors beginning with, "Hunter needs prayer because . . . " Does that make it okay to talk about someone if you begin it with 'they need prayer?' If you find something out about Hunter all you need to say is, "Hunter needs prayer." It's not that hard. I believe in brothers and sisters of Christ helping each other out in tough situations. But not when you bully them to make them act correctly. 

I would like to share a quote with you about how the church has conformed with society. It's from Tony Kriz's book, "Neighbors and Wise Men" It's about physical touch. And physical touch means so much to me and Tony showed me the reason why it's been so hard to find.

"Touch was stolen from me.

It was stolen from me by the American story. It was stolen from me by our puritanical religious roots, and by an entertainment culture that turns affection into sensuality. It was stolen from me by a thousand church scandals that have left pastors afraid to even talk to a parishioner behind closed doors. And it has been stolen from me by a generation of homophobia that calls all same-gender affection into question.

Society and religion have bedded together to relegate touch to either the sexual or the inappropriate, with little in between."

Touch is one of the 5 main love languages that humans possess. There's physical touch, acts of service, words of affirmation, gift giving/receiving, and quality time. A love language is a way that you love on others or receive love. My main love language is touch. But how can I love on others in the way that I know when the church 'forbids' it? How am I to know the little love in between the sexual or inappropriate? I go up and hug another woman and I have a voice in the back of my head that says, "Look out, someone is watching." Because even though I know that my intention is based purely to show affection on her, someone else believes that I'm being sensual.

Real talk: I understand that some young men have troubles with impure thoughts especially when a woman presses their breasts on them when hugging. If I had trouble with it then I just wouldn't hug. There's a very fine line between people in the church looking out for the well being of others and judging others. It's a fine line because us at the church are trying to discern situations with our brains instead of with our spirit. Please don't assume that I am being ignorant of the other million factors that are included in every life situation. But this is a sure-fire fact that we need to be more patient and ask God what's up real quick instead of jumping to the worst conclusion. If you absolutely don't feel right about the situation then go up and talk to the person. It's not that hard. Sensuality = AffectionRidiculous

I love my church and the entire world church. I understand that we all don't know the facts of every side to different life situations. I get that we all have faults and hard days. I know that others around are judging you and pushing you down because you don't fit their perfect image. But do you want God's perfect will in your life?

Next time you know your good intention, what are you going to do when someone tries to take you out? Are you going to do what they're telling you to do or are you going to turn the other cheek? And next time you see a situation that you know is wrong, are you going to take them down or are you going to discern and love on them? Don't be the bully. Be the love. 

My journey of fundraising has been an intense one! It's been almost 9 months since I was accepted on to the Race! I am still in a huge need of finances to launch in July. Please consider being a monthly donor of any amount to the World Race. Get a hold of me so we can go out to coffee, breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack, tea, dinner, supper, dessert, or just to hangout. I have a fire burning that I just would love to share with you. I love you my friends and family so much. And I'm praying for you always. 

My phone number is (541) 633-9272 and you can just call or text whenever you want to talk or if you just need to vent or need prayer 🙂