"And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.""                        – Mark 16:15

This is finally happening! 11 months ago I was writing my first awkward blog about how excited I am and how very much I know that God wants me to go! And it's showing: I'm going! The World Race was originally never something planned for or even what I really wanted to do. It just goes to show that if you are obedient with the feather light touch of God showing you His plan, it is so worth it. 

I just wanted to update you on some general information!


I am still in need of exactly $8,000 to be fully funded!!! This might seem like a lot but it is so much further than what I was at just a few weeks ago. And most of it was from little amounts of money. Seriously one penny tips the balance in the right direction so don't think that you need to donate a big amount of money if you want to support me.

My next deadline is November 1 and I need to have $11,000 on that date. Check out the home page as to the many different ways that you can support me!

Launch & Logistics: 

I am currently in Atlanta, Georgia getting some last minute training, worshipping God (!!!!!), and just getting spiritually ready for the World Race. I am officially Launching to my first country on Thursday, July 3. You are probably thinking my first country is Albania then in the order that I originally gave you. Well, it's not. You see, our route, leadership, and ministry can change at any given moment. So I have a new route with a twist! Here it is! Please keep in mind that it can change at any time.

Month 1: Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, and Kosovo (What!??!?!?!)
Month 2: Albania
Month 3: Moldova
Month 4: Romania
Month 5: India
Month 6: Nepal
Month 7: South Africa
Month 8: Swaziland
Month 9: Botswana
Month 10: China
Month 11: Mongolia

Month 1 looks weird. I know. Let me explain. As I've said before, there are 45ish people on our squad. And we split up into groups of 6-8 people into teams. All 45ish of us travel together to our first country then we will split up into where each team is assigned. But this month we will be doing ALL NEW MINISTRIES! The World Race has never done any of these ministries this month! So we will all fly into Bulgaria and two teams will stay there. Two teams will go to Serbia. One team will go to Macedonia. And the last two teams will go to Kosovo! I will be part of the teams that are heading to Kosovo!!!!! PLUS the World Race has never sent a team to Kosovo!!!!! So exciting!!!!!

How to Contact Me:

Simple as this: I will only be online once a week. At training camp many of the racers who have previously gone on the Race have said that social media ruined their Race. I realized in that moment that God has called me to the missions field and that I should focus completely on my calling. Some of you might be upset but let me reassure you with a few things!

I will be posting a new blog at least once a week which will go to Facebook. However, I will not be checking messages, notifications, or anything! I will be updating my Pastor and my prayer team at least once a week. If you would like to be on my personal prayer team, please comment below and let me know! I will be also using Instagram (my username is @hunterisyoung ) which will post pictures automatically onto Facebook. Once again, I will not be checking messages, notifications, or anything! 

Seeing your comments at the bottom of all of my blogs means the world to me. I love just seeing that you read this and that you are praying for me. That encourages me to keep going. But if you would like to talk to me more personally, click the 'Get a Hold of Me!' tab on the left hand side! But my priorities are blogging, updating my Pastor, updating my prayer team, talkin' to me ma, and then to reply to all other emails. I pray that you understand the actions that I am taking to truly experience what God has for me.

Last but not least, check out the Squad Fundraising video that we put together! Just see who I will be spending the next 11 months of my life with!

I love you all and I'm praying for you.

Your Brother in Christ,
Hunter Young

#Esquad Video from Hunter Young on Vimeo.