"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
       – Joshua 1:9

I am an idiot. How could I be so stupid to think that I could accomplish something so great? Why would I try and reach farther than my lame short arms could reach? Son. I was reaching for a safety rope attached to a plane going 50 MPH while I was falling down a waterfall. It was inevitable that I would eventually fall down and get pounded over and over again by the water until I perished. Son. Yet I had that silly optimistic attitude that makes me think I can do anything. I could have gone if I just listened. If a Godly woman says a word over your life you should listen! Don't just be nice and say thank you. THINK! Son. Will that thrumming just stop!? Son. I give up Satan! You defeated me! STOP! Son. Now I have to write the embarrassing email to AIM telling them I quit. Not just quit for this route but for every route. Son. I can't do this. I can't! I CAN'T! I CAN'T!


Woah… Father? Is that you? Please help. I have to be stronger than this! Help me! 

I already have.

On Wednesday, June 18, this is what was going on in my head. Earlier in the week someone gave a word over my life that I need to crush a pit of doubt inside me. At the time, I didn't feel like I had any doubt whatsoever. But right when I woke up on Wednesday I went into war against Satan without any preparation. All day the evil one was trying to break me down. I describe it as a thrumming against my spirit and he almost destroyed it.

Then I stopped for one second. One. And just listened to God. He was telling me that I don't have to fight this alone; that Satan is nothing compared to Him. Once I prayed for His protection, and released my fear of not making His cut, He showed me that He's on my side. Through not just a friend or a family member but through a squadmate helping another squadmate out. Someone who is going through the same thing, the same financial struggles, the same fears. They helped me out.

The next day I received another $1,200 in donations for the Race. By the end of the week I was sitting on $8,200 in my account. Just over halfway. There's no doubt now that God has me on this path for a reason. That I'm leaving July 3 to the World! 

Don't forget how you were called somewhere. The moment when that happens is very emotional. You might be scared, you could be excited, you probably were wondering how God is going to get you there. The call is big so don't doubt when one thing goes wrong.

I love you all so much.

Your Brother in Christ,
Hunter Young