Hello everyone. Sorry it has been so long since I’ve posted a blog but I have just had so much going on. First, I would like to thank all of my supporters because I am officially fully funded! I really couldn’t be doing what I am doing if ya’ll didn’t believe in me as a person and what I am doing. Lesotho was quite amazing. I will be posting a recap blog of Lesotho including our ministry and some of the fun things we did as well. Also at the bottom of this blog I will be posting a link to a summary video of my time in Swaziland so check that out. 

So I have been here in India for almost a month now and I absolutely love it more than anything. It is definitely my favorite country so far and I’ve had the time of my life. Within the first couple of hours being here I could tell that this culture was so unique. Especially on the drive from the airport to our home. Our Father has been working in ways unimaginable. Every night is a different story filled with different characters and different circumstances. Because of my inability to be specific with details, I will tell how a normal day in the life of Hunter goes.

I wake up every morning around 10:00am for a group session with all three teams led by my squad leader Mark. It usually consists of worship, bible study, or just fellowship followed by our team time for that day (with the 5 other people). After that we have free time until the afternoon when were picked up. We then proceed to drive a unknown amount of time to an unknown village. Then we sit outside the pastor’s house. They usually provide us with cool drink (Sprite). We have a chance to relax a little before the service and meet some of the people from the village. Then we go to the service and participate in worship. Usually leading one or two songs. Then testimonies are shared followed by the message. In conclusion, there is prayer over everyone in the church individually. Then we get to eat some of the best food I’ve ever had. It usually consists of chapatti (homemade tortillas) chicken curry and rice. The hospitality is unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed. We are treated like kings and queens. They don’t let us serve ourselves, wash our hands, or even ask for more food. They are always there ready to serve you in any way possible. After that we drive an unknown amount of time back home (usually shorter than the ride there because we always get lost) and then head to bed.

The holiday season is approaching and for those of you praying for me, I would really appreciate prayers for peace during this season. I miss my family and close friends very much, especially during this time. Be on the lookout for another blog soon, and again thank you so much for your support.
