Last night was the last night of the conferenceGoing out tonight with my pastor’s son and his girlfriend,then hang out with my sister for a day(she live’s in Charlotte)then back to Mexico for about a month. Home for the holiday’s and planning praying for the next step South Africa. It’s an exciting time folowing the LORD . It’s fun to watch,or  ratherbe a part of.The biggest thing I got out of the conference is  I just feel as though he has fanned the flame. Given me strength. It’s been a rough year though I wouldn’t trade it I’m freer and closer to the LORD than I wasayear ago when I came here but the process has sucked. I’m at the Zadock house of prayer here at Morningstar and just talked to one of the intern’s and he related about the same thing and what the spirit ministered to him in regard’s to dieing to the flesh . “Death is painful and often messy”  I just want the clean kill white light experience. Maybe I should just leave it up to the LORD!