Arrived in Gainesville Monday afternoon.Got up Tuesday called A.I.M.Met with the director(Seth) went over to his house and debriefed the last10 month’s. Have been Talking about South Africa. My next step. Today there just happen’s to be a guy flying in from S.A. hmmm!! There are a couple other possibilities, also. Right now it’s all in the planning -praying stage. My goal is to pray all of this through so as to discern where the LORD would send me that it would be a good fit. We also talked about debt. What I need to do to take care of that so it won’t be an incumbrance to ministry. When I quit using drugs 9yrs. ago I started tithing and in about 1.5 yr’s I liquidated about $ 10,000 worth of debt. Then my focus changed I fell away from tithing and subsequently my debt remained the same(is that how this work’s LORD)when we honor you YOU take care of us. Have been praying about this for some time. It would seem through circumstance now is the time to move on it again. Once again just talking but,considering taking 6 month’s and making a concerted effort on significantly reducing my debt. If you are praying for me please ask the LORD for his guidance and wisdom in talking all these step’s through, planning thing’s out, and he would open the proper door’s he would have me walk through and close any he would not!! Please also ask that he would provide me with some type of opportunity w ith work. We serve Jesus Christ and the word say’s all thing’s are held together in him. In that I know he can provide me with a good paying job that is within my skill level(I’m a Laboror) I’m not the brain’s of the operation I’m the guy who get’s the job that nobody else want’s to do done.

