
One of my favorite pastimes is travel, but of course you knew that already. I love all things travel, really; talking about it, planning, exploring, getting lost, meeting people, and the boost of confidence that accompanies navigating a brand new (to me) city. In what I’ve thought to be unrelated, I get an even greater sense of fulfillment in pursuing my relationship with God. It should come as no surprise that God has presented a way to combine the two.

Several years ago, a friend of mine participated in a year-long mission trip known as the World Race. It sounded like an amazing, though terrifying, experience. This was something that I could see myself doing, but only sometime in the distant future. More recently, I was reminded of the Race during a chat with my small group when we began praying for a young lady from Colorado who was injured toward the end of her Race. This time I was ready for the challenge. I’m so excited to announce that in January of 2016, I will officially become a Racer.

The World Race is a ministry of Adventures in Missions which will lead me through 11 countries within 11 months. My team will partner with existing ministries and churches throughout Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Latvia, Bosnia, Romania, Ukraine, Botswana, South Africa, and Swaziland. Our ministry will look different month to month, even day to day, but overall we have one main goal: spread God’s love.

The World Race promises to take me to uncharted territory physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It will without a doubt be stressful, uncomfortable, trying, and exhausting, but it will also be fulfilling, rewarding, eye-opening, and transforming.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime, but I cannot do it alone. Here are a few ways you can join me on this journey:

  1. I need a prayer support team. Whether you pray daily, weekly, monthly, or periodically, this will be the cornerstone to the success of our trip. Please call/text/email /send letter by owl if you feel led to commit to supporting me and my team through prayer – I have something for you! For those of you preparing your owls, rest assured, I’ve got something extra special for you!
  2. Help spread the word. Sharing my story and journey with your friends and family will be immeasurably helpful. I encourage you to subscribe to and share my blog ( and come along for the ride!
  3. I will face many challenges throughout the race, but as I prepare for my departure, one of my greatest challenges is my financial support. As with most other missions organizations, World Race participants are required to fundraise financial support. In order to leave fully funded in January, I need to raise $16,562, though my first goal is $3500 by September 25. This money will cover all of my costs of travel, training, lodging, and, perhaps the most important of all, food for the entire 11 months of the trip! Yes, this is a bit overwhelming, but I trust that because this is what God has in store for me, through people like you He will provide. As I take this leap of faith in trusting the Lord, would you prayerfully consider supporting me?

If you are interested in supporting me financially, you may do so one of three ways. The first is to click the “support me” icon on my blog ( Another option is to mail a check to this address (Adventures in Missions – PO Box 742570 – Atlanta, GA 30374-2570), with “WilsonHilary” on the memo line. Lastly, if you choose to bless me with a monthly pledge, please visit to sign up.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

Hilary Wilson



Adventures In Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax deductible donations given in support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the trip/program the participant is involved in. All contributions are non-refundable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the program.