Length of race: 334 days
Funding needed: $16,562
Funding raised: $875

Thinking about those numbers is a bit overwhelming.

I mean, come on, I have, to-date, raised just under 0.05% of my total goal. Yes, that is half of ONE percent.

Yes, $16,562 is a whole lotta money, but let’s break that down to a number that’s easier to swallow. That figure breaks down to about $50/day.

$50? Now that is doable. $50 provides supplies needed for our ministry, food, lodging, and travel for a day.

Would you consider joining me on this adventure, and sponsoring a day of my trip? I cannot do this without you.

It’s simple:

  • Click the “support me” icon
  • Enter your sponsor amount
  • Email me with your date of choice
  • Wait for that day to roll around, and check your email. I will email you a summary of what our ministry looks like on your day.

Together we can do this. Together we can show the world God’s great grace.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to help make this happen?

Let’s do this!
