I often write and talk about God’s calling for my life.

Here are some words and phrases I toss around:
Called. My calling. God called me to do this. God called me to ministry. God’s calling for my life. I’m called to do ______.

Sound familiar? Mm hmm, I thought so.

I’m not talking about a phone call… although that would be awesome. Definitely wouldn’t let God go to voicemail.

I’m not talking about an audible voice of the Lord, saying “HELENA! THOU ART CALLED!” … that would be even more awesome.

What the heck is a calling anyway?

A calling is a plan, a hope, a future, and an individual, unique purpose, aligned with God’s will.

Let me hit you with a Bible verse you probably already know. If not, prepare to be dazzled.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – good ol’ Jeremiah 29:11

We usually take this verse and run with it. This verse is part of a letter to the Israelite survivors who were exiled in Babylon. God was trying to tell them through Jeremiah that He still had goodness for them. He was going to gather their people again and He had good plans for them. He punished them for their crazy blatant idolatry, and exiled them out of the promise land. Now He was giving them this great bit of news: hey, I have plans to prosper you!

What I take from this verse is that even when I have royally, royally messed up and gone the opposite direction of where God wants me, He has plans for me.

He wants to give me hope. I can write a whole blog on hope, and I probably will. Let’s stick with calling, yeah? Okay.

There comes a point where I say “oh my God, I don’t know what I’m doing! Help me. I keep making wrong decisions. I keep putting myself in bad situations. I can’t seem to learn from my mistakes. I need You to intervene, and just tell me what to do here. Where do I go? What’s the Master plan?

Bingo. The moment of surrender. Have you been there?

This is when God answers. This is when He calls, guides, comforts, counsels. His peace comes.
He presents opportunities. He introduces new ideas you didn’t think of before. He pushes you to do something outside of your comfort zone. Maybe He tells you to do something that could only be described as overwhelmingly impossible. Maybe it’s scary. Maybe it’s intimidating. Maybe you think you’re not ready, or you’re not worthy.

God, I’m not that great of a Christian to be a leader, or a missionary, or a counselor!
I’m not worthy to preach, or to teach.
I don’t want to go back to school, or switch fields.
I’m not worthy to minister.
I’m not worthy to start this ministry.
The vision you gave me is too big; how could it come to be?
I can’t give this much to the Kingdom; I can’t give up my security.
I can’t adopt a child.
I can’t commit to help here, or volunteer there; I enjoy my free time.

How many excuses can we make, right? I think God has heard them all.
“I’m too old!” –Abraham
“I’m not a good speaker! Send someone else!” – Moses
“I don’t want to!” – Jonah
“I’m working in vain!” – Isaiah
“I’m too young!” – Jeremiah
“I’m the least in my family!” – Gideon

God made it work, though, didn’t He?
He uses imperfect people to accomplish His perfect plans.

God has a calling for each one of us before we’re even born. I believe God is type-A personality, because He makes us already with a purpose. He has His little post-its and tabs and He has already highlighted all His plans for you.

Can we stray from these plans? Definitely. I know I did.
The sad part is what I’ve told myself in the process of straying from God’s plans:

Well I’m sure God has the best for me, but this right here is good. I can work with this, I’ll make do with this. I don’t want to wait. It might never come.
Ahh, I think I’ll do this. I know it’s not good for me, but oh well.
You want me to move? I don’t think so, Lord. Moving is too hard, I’m already rooted here.
What? Grad school? I don’t need to go back to school. I’m not smart enough.
Mission trip? It’s too expensive; God won’t provide that kind of money.
I’ll date this person, and I know we’re not on the same page, but oh well. Beats being alone.

If you think any of these things, cue the screeching brake sound.
Stop in the name of love!

How awful would you feel if your child lived a defeated life, settling for subpar?
How do you think your Father in Heaven feels if you do this?

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew/chose you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” – Jeremiah 1:5

Jeremiah was appointed a prophet before he was even born. What did God appoint you to do?
Can you imagine Him saying it to you?

Before I formed you in the womb I chose you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a __________________.

Fill in that blank. Leave me a comment and tell me what it is that God appointed you to do before you were ever born!

If you don’t know, that’s okay. Ask Him. He might reveal to you little by little what the plans are for you.
God had me starting small.

After my big moment of surrender, He had me switch churches. That was simple but scary, because I didn’t know anybody. It was one of the best things I’ve ever done! I was put in community with wise mentors. I made connections and was able to volunteer in a free clinic. I was able to feel like I was part of the body of Christ. And then, when God put the mission field in front of me, I was ready and willing to go. My church supported and encouraged me. Now that I’m in the field, God is showing me that when I get back to the US, I’m going to grad school. Complete shift of career, but He’s plugging me into His plan.

The Lord told Gideon “go in the strength you have… am I not sending you?… I will be with you” in Judges 8:14-16. God means this for each one of us. He gives us enough strength to get started, and enough faith because He is the one sending us. He gives us the promise to be with us and to be faithful to provide along the way.

“Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” -1 Corinthians 1:26-27

What’s God’s calling for you?