We will shout for joy when you are victorious
   and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the Lord grant all your requests.
Psalm 20:5


I found this little man having a really hard day.

He tried to speak and was ignored, so he decided to go sit by himself. I saw him sulking. I went to sit beside him and we started talking. He told me that his parents only pay attention to his baby sister. He said he didn't feel important or loved. I told him I've felt that way before too, because I'm the big sister. I told him he is very very loved and important and special. I encouraged him to love and protect his baby sister, because that's the reason she needs more attention right now: she's a baby and needs a lot of extra help. Then I told him that the reason I was here was to tell him how much Jesus loves him. Jesus loves him every second, and is always with him. Jesus is listening to our prayers and sent the Holy Spirit to always be with us. He nodded fiercely, and told me he knew that. I asked if he knew that from the bottom of his heart, and he said yes. Then he began asking me about my trip, and about my life. He cared about me. A 10-year-old cared about me. I asked if I could take a picture with him, and he got so excited. Look at his little smile. See the light in his eyes? That's the love of God in Brian.

Lives are being restored.
Souls are receiving salvation.
Prayer is reaching the ears of God.
Songs of praise are pleasing to Him.
The light in the eyes of these people is shining brighter.

We are seeing a difference!

With every kiss I get from the children,

and every lingering hug from the mothers,

with every earnest handshake and blessing declared over me by the men,

and each nod of approval from the always-smiling pastor…

                                       I grow.

I love more.
I cherish God's blessings a little more.

When I pray over the people of El Salvador and tears stream down their faces, I remind them of God's promises of eternity with no tears.

As their hearts hear the truth, I feel more alive.

Every note written to me, every bracelet given to me, and every testament entrusted to me: glory to You, Daddy.

Glory to You for every victory banner I see lifted.

Glory to You for Brian, Luci, Rosa, Miguel Angel, Lorena, Fabiola, Dani, Olimpia, Natalia, Ana, Mercedes, Jose Maria, Torres, Mirtala, Juan Miguel, and the many other divine appointments you have made for me here. I will not forget Your faithfulness, my God, to remind me through these people that I'm exactly where You want me, walking in Your will for me.

Thank You, Daddy, for using me.
I trust You.
My cup overflows.
I lack nothing.
You address my every concern, carefully, thoroughly.
I ask for the stars and You give me the moon.
I ask for peace and You teach me how to sleep through the storm.
You still my fears.
You quiet me with Your love.
I rejoice in You, in awe that You rejoice over me.

The mountains in El Salvador boast of the glory of God.

The rain pours with power and intention.

Here, the dirt covers my feet
like God's grace covers my soul: freely and continuously.

I accept it.

I am chosen.