Allow me to quote Lil Jon:


Already halfway? My trip is already halfway done??
I’d be lying if I said it feels like I just left, because it feels like a lifetime since I’ve seen my family and stomped my ground.

I could make a never-ending list of things I miss from home.
I could make a never-ending list of things I will miss from the race.

It’s this beautiful/terrible halfway point, where my heart is torn in the coolest way.

I’m excited because I’m exactly where God wants me. There are 5 more countries to see and experience, and countless people who will crawl into my heart and make an impression on me.

I’m also excited because well… God’s plans for me don’t end with the race.
The beat goes on.

I went into this trip completely blind. I had no idea what God had for me afterwards, and He’s slowly letting me in on it. “Hallelujah,” cries my type-A heart.

I’m not ready to be home yet.  No no no no no no. Not yet.

It’s been hella hard. It’s probably going to get harder. It’s been prophesied that I’ll have “refining times in Rwanda.” Boy oh boy. The African countries on my route got rearranged, and Rwanda is next. Here we go.

If this is anything like running a mile, which is 4 laps around the track, then I’m going into lap 3.

Lap 3 is the hardest lap. If you’re a runner you know this.

Mentally, you’re thinking “I’m only halfway” so your body wants to slow down.
You have to push really hard. You can’t let up on lap 3.
If you let up on lap 3, you’ll figure out when you get to lap 4 that you had more to give, but it’s too late.
You have that last lap, finish strong, and get your time.

But then your mind goes to lap 3. Could have done better. Shouldn’t have slowed down.

I’m pushing away discouragement.
I will run my race and I won’t botch lap 3.

If this much growth and perseverance can happen in 5 ½ months, 5 ½ more can’t hurt.

If you’re in C, D, or E squad, and you’re discouraged, please remember that this is lap 3.

Yeah, you’re only halfway.
You’re tired, and you miss home.
But don’t botch lap 3!
Soon you’ll be at month 8 debrief, thinking “only 3 more months?!” and making after-plans.
Lap 4 adrenaline will kick in and you’ll be so excited about the finish line that you’ll endure nearly anything.
Chin up. Push. You don’t have to slow down. Don’t be discouraged.
If this is anything like the mile, this is the hardest part mentally. This is also the defining moment of your race. Make it or break it. Do it right.

Give it your all and finish strong.

Love you guys and I’m praying so hard for you, for spiritual growth, health, safety, God’s protection over your belongings, and for the finances to come in for your deadlines.
God is faithful.

And again, Lil Jon says: