I’m overwhelmed by the answered prayer tonight.
I asked the Lord to show me something new or awesome or that I just didn’t know before about Him or about scripture.
Major answered prayer. I’ve been reading through Acts, and my goal was to finish it yesterday, but I’m not even close. I’m halfway through chapter 19 and I’m flabbergasted.
Why on earth have I never been interested in Acts before?
I mean, I’ve read it, choppily(is that even a word? haha it is now!), thinking “oh well that’s a lot of history and traveling, I’m not really gonna understand it because blah blah blah blah blah” and that’s so untrue.
If you’re a baby Christian reading this, read Acts. Beginning to end, in a short amount of time. I can attest that by the time you get to the middle of chapter 19, you’ll be praising God for blowing your mind.
That’s where I am tonight. I had to literally close my Bible and just digest what I had read. I had to go ahead and stop and just think.
I’m not that much of a note-taker because I usually memorize things….. but I found myself desperately reaching for my pen and journal, to jot down notes. Notes that would shed light on other books of the Bible, because it described the cities the letters were written to. It described how main characters found the Lord and where, and how they joined in the ministry. It gave me new knowledge on Peter and Paul… big time! Here I was, thinking I knew them pretty well, but re-reading Acts like this is really growing me.
The point of this is: even if you think you know the Bible back and forth pretty well, and you may or may not feel slightly bored or that it’s rather repetitive…. It’s really not. It’s not boring or repetitive. If you feel that way in your heart, go to God about it, Ask Him to show you something really cool that you didn’t notice before. If anything, ask Him to remind you of something that will blow your mind.
There is every genre in the Bible. Action, romance, history, comedy, horror, sci-non-fi (hahaha get it?) and lots of drama drama drama. But it’s all true. It’s all sharp. It AGREES. One piece fits in with the other. The changing covenants are explained, THOROUGHLY. The miracles and wonders of God are mind-blowing.
I needed to read tonight about how Paul was used in crazy awesome ways by God, and that God can use me like that if He wills. It’s His will, but I desire that faith to be used in crazy ways.
Thank You Daddy for showing me this tonight. I pray these 11 months are just the start of a closer walk with You, where you take me by the hand and show me crazy awesome things.
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jer 33:3