My parents came by the night before and loaded up the big furniture in their truck to take to the McAninch's home. I was so thankful for their willingness.
The morning of the garage sale was stressful to me at first. I say at first, smiling, because the Lord answered my prayers. I was able to load up 2 loads with my car, and somehow everything fit. On my way back from the second load, I stopped by a gas station and got my “bank” for making change. I was beginning to fret a little bit because it was 7:45 (ad online said 8 am) and I had no signs put out yet and I still had stuff in my car. Nothing was set up on tables, nothing was priced. Yikes.
Psalm 23:1 popped into my head. God reassured me that He is my Shepherd and I lack nothing. He has everything figured out already. There is nothing that I need that He doesn’t already have for me. AMEN! Pressing on.
I praised God for getting me this far. I asked that He helps me to have someone put out signs.
Phone rings. Val asking if I had signs out, and if I wanted help putting them out. Thank you, Val and Jesus.
I get there, and I start dragging out tables, and Sonia and Natasha drive up bright and early, smiling and looking way too nice for 8 am!! They offer to also help set up =) Between Lauren, Sonia, Natasha, Val, and I, the garage sale is set up, ready to go. Val put up signs, we are rolling.
My sweet brother Antonio shows up, with food, providing moral support, comedic relief, and his Xterra.
Later on, Lydia, Roberto, and Bubbles show up to visit and browse. Lydia affirmed me that my Spanish sounds fluent from a bystander’s perspective haha! Muchas gracias 😉
Funniest moment of the garage sale I think was around 11:45, the sale was almost over, my poor tv stand is still sitting there, taunting me in all its heavy pressboard glory. Then these 2 hispanic ladies walked by and started staring at it, probably thinking if it was even worth asking about. Saleswoman me, I ask in Spanish how much they want to give for it. And they look at each other like
1) whoa this white girl speaks Spanish
2) what on earth would we even do with this thing
So they say “cinco? diez?” and I’m just praying in my head “oh dear Lord, just let them take this thing away!!! Anything!!!” And I say “cinco!” So I most definitely sold my tv stand in Spanish for 5 bucks at the last minute! haha!
Other than that, we also had a massage table that my parents donated. Created lots of interesting conversation!! The "what IS this?" and the astonished/confused looks on people's faces were sufficiently amusing to me. Great times 🙂
Val came back, and along with Antonio, Lauren, and my friends who were already there, we all took down the operation. It was smooth!
The Lord blessed the Garage Sale!!!! All but 3 of the bigger items were sold! Of those, one I will be sold online, and the others will be stored in Val's garage and put to sell again at her garage sale next month.
It was incredible to see the full tables empty out as the day went.
By 10:30, more than $300 of stuff had been sold. The Lord kept going.
At 12:15, when the last of the customers checked out…
the total was $588.15
Thank You Lord!! Thanks to the McAninch family for volunteering their home for the garage sale! Thank you to everybody who volunteered, donated, and made purchases. You are all such a blessing to me and God used you to make this happen, and to get me on this mission trip!
I am still using a few kitchen items until Friday, and then I will donate them.
During this week, I’ll be doing a final sorting through my clothes and donating.
As far as furniture and appliances, most has been sold. I have a bedframe, nightstand, and dresser which have reluctantly not been sold. God will provide a buyer. The IKEA futon is still screaming “buy me!” I also have the washer and dryer, which will be sold quickly, Lord willing. I have 5 days to finish out moving preparations, and finalize all these sales.
Please be in prayer for this move to continue smoothly.
Then I’ll be transitioning into family life with the Carters!
God is faithful
I am thankful