Hey dear WR followers!
All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go (well almost).
I have a few things pending, like a good shower, chugging another half liter of guarana, and hugging my Brazilian family goodbye.

I’m studying my to-do list as if I were taking a final exam.
I’m praying for strength, endurance, and for the peace of God to guard my heart and mind.

Here’s the situaysh:
I have 2 days til launch, technically.
My pack is in TEXAS, empty-ish. I’M STILL IN BRAZIL.
11 hour flight.
I shall then step foot in the glorious land of Texas (God bless it, it’s home to me!) and begin my scramble of tasks. I will purchase toiletries and particular miscellaneous items. I need to go to the post office, make specific phone calls, a million other errands (rough estimate, I rounded the number up), and um… oh yeah, I have to pack.

I also have to be gracious while my mother cries, and tell her in a very reassuring tone that I will not die of any vector-borne or zoonotic disease.

I'll also tell her she shouldn't watch the movie Taken until 2013.

I’ll then attend my going away dinner at the Olive Garden in Temple at 6:30 pm on the 9th (tomorrow).
Come hug me and pray for me, and watch me cry!

Afterwards, I’ll hang out with my little brother and impart 11 months of wisdom on him, make sure he logs on skype, make threats about what will happen if he doesn’t check his email, etc.
He’ll then take me to the airport with an earful, and this is the moment where I’ll probably cry the hardest.

Realizing I won’t be able to take care of Antonio at all. I won’t be able to receive the first phone call when he makes 100’s on his college exams, or listen to him vent when something is wrong. I won’t be able to spoil him or go watch monkey movies with him, get icecream with him, go ride rollercoasters with him, or make him dinner for 11 months. I’ve lived apart from him for 2 years before, and it was rough. Goodness I’m gonna miss my little brother, who is not so little anymore. He’s nearly a foot taller, turning 22 next month, and much much smarter than me. I pray blessings over him, that God will be his strength and continue growing him into a powerful man of God in 2012.

As I say goodbye to Brazil, Texas, my family, and friends, please keep me in your prayers. Pray for wisdom and courage for me.
I’m SO excited at the same time, if you can imagine. I’ll get to be with my World Race family and see God work in mighty ways through us in 11 nations.

THANK YOU to the all people who have encouraged me or supported me in any way.
I wouldn’t be getting on this airplane without you. I don’t even know who many of you are, because you donated anonymously, but THANK YOU for sending me. Thank you for letting God bless me through you.

THANK YOU to The Vista Community Church family for loving me in actions and in truth.

“Then [Jesus] said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Thank you for sending me to the harvest field.
Thank You, Lord, for calling me to go and preparing the way.