In December of 2011, I wrote a 2 Weeks Notice blog, writing about leaving everything I know and going on The World Race… now it's the opposite. Here's my 2 Weeks Notice to the World Race.

Dear World Race,

This is my 2 weeks notice.

It will be great to once again feel like I know what I'm doing.
I'm excited about having a real address and a job. 
Spending time with my family, and seeing familiar faces.
It’ll be so nice to choose what to eat, what to drink, where to sleep, when to get off facebook.
Tweeting anytime I like.
Attending weddings, visiting newborn babies, giving birthday hugs to the people in my life.
Having fantastic, free internet available at anytime.
Hanging out with my friends.
Going to my church.
Having my phone, which is like an out-of-body organ, attached to my hand.
Driving to the park and running in the trails.
It'll be awesome driving barefoot, blaring my choice of music and singing my face off.
It'll be indescribable having a “quiet time” and being able to read my Bible comfortably, in my choice setting.

You better believe it, I'll be HOME in 2 weeks, but I will never forget the World Race.

I abandoned everything I knew, used a one-way ticket, and launched into this adventure.
I embraced change, opportunity, and an experience with God that redefined me.
I didn't become a new person, but rather understood more of who I am as a new creation through Christ. God’s hand of favor has been on me.
I have given my very best to share the love of Christ in 11 nations I’ve never been to, in languages I don’t speak…. Okay okay I do speak Spanish. But there were still 8 months of oblivion!
I won't forget the friendships I've made, and the amazing people with whom I have spent these 11 months.
I went into the great unknown. I lived there.

I have seen heartbreaking poverty, and experienced world-changing conviction.
I've eaten what was put in front of me (mostly haha), and I thanked God for it.
I slept where I could, when I could, and thanked God for His provision.
I wrote blogs as much as possible, and praised God for any and all internet availability I had.
God was my boss. He’s always been the Boss, but ya know, He was my only boss.

It’s been a great 11 months, World Race, but it’s time to move on to God’s crazy, unbelievable, awesome calling for me.

I'm not sure yet what is next, but I know it will be good.
Graduate school? Moving? More missions?
Sure. Yes. Not sure when or where or how, but I say yes.
The same God who has been faithful before time will continue to be faithful in my life. I will serve Him wholeheartedly wherever He sends me, forever grateful for the grace that has allowed me to travel the world for His sake.

May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering.

Kingdom come or bust!

-Helena E. Jordao

((((((now enjoy this glorious, fitting 80's song))))))