No, this isn’t a wedding announcement. I’m just being witty.

If you didn’t read my blog before about The Joy of Singleness, you can read that here

Whereas most Christians idolize marriage, I think I have been idolizing singleness, but the Lord in his goodness and his grace has been kindly correcting me to see how he views marriage.

For awhile, I think my focus was to be single for life because wanting to get married was bad or a less appealing option. It was not with a joyful eye that I beheld marriage.

1 Corinthians 7:8-9

“I say to the unmarried and to widows: It is good for them if they remain as I am. But if they do not have self-control, they should marry, since it is better to marry than to burn with desire.”


The way I have read this scripture over the years was like a challenge. Self-control is a fruit of the spirit, right? So if I get married, does that mean I lack self-control? Does that make me matter less to God if I get married than I would if I were single?


For a long time, I think I believed that in my subconscious, but God has highlighted that these are lies that I’ve been believing.

Wherever we are in life, single or married, we are precious to God. (Matthew 10:31) There’s nothing we can do to make Him love us more. 

When I read this scripture the other day, I began tearing up as God was reaffirming his love for me.

Isaiah 62:3 CSB

“You will be a glorious crown in the LORD’s hand, and a royal diadem in the palm of your God’s hand.”

Romans 9:21 NIV

“Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?”

I used to think I was the “common use” clay. But what is common about a “glorious crown” or a “royal diadem”? 

Nothing! They are special, unique, and beautiful and that is what God sees when he looks at me. That’s what he sees when he looks at you.

So what does any of this have to do with marriage? 

There’s nothing I can do to make Him love me more. But I think I believed the lie that if I stayed single he would love me more.

Welcome to my toxic thought life! 

I think the Lord has someone for me. Who? No clue. But I am eternally grateful for him walking me through this unexpected healing at this time in my life and shining his light in the dark places of my heart.



  • That I would continue to walk out this healing and be a reflection of my Heavenly Father to others around me. 
  • My parents both had COVID (again). Pray for their continued healing.
  • My family as we continue to mourn the loss of my grandfather. 
  • Safe travels to Austria and fruitful training with the current team there.


My fellow camp counselor, Kitty, and I are in Munich, Germany. We take the bus from here to Austria tomorrow. We will start training for camp next week. I’m excited to meet the whole team and grow/learn from them as well. Everything is happening so fast and I am here for it!


Thank you to everyone who has supported me. Because of you I am only $1,395.54 away from being fully funded! Woohoo! 

Be looking in your mailboxes, because I sent out thank you cards from the Detroit Airport before I got on my Munich flight. I appreciate you!

If you would also like to be a part of influencing the younger generation with the love of Jesus, here’s how you can help:

Account Number: #5928-HG – Ecamp Austria

Donations made on their site you can write off on your taxes.


If you prefer to give directly to me, here are my personal payment links:

Venmo: @Heidi-Gray-3

Paypal: @HeidiAlmighty

CashApp: $HeidiGray