Part of my team and I went to Dragonesti, Romania to help prepare the house for some incoming missionaries. The house needed to be cleaned, organized, and stocked with toiletries so it would be ready for their arrival.

As the jobs were listed off, I volunteered to sweep the courtyard. I did it because I figured it’d be the job no one would want to do since it was cold outside. I grew up on a farm so I’m no stranger to working in uncomfortable conditions.

I started sweeping the concrete courtyard. It was very meditative and rejuvenating for me after doing a full week of street evangelism. As I’m sweeping I could see the dirt I was moving across the pavement. I knew I was removing stuff, but I couldn’t really see the difference I left behind.

When some people came outside, I mentioned how I felt like it wasn’t making a difference. They assured me they could see it looking better so I kept sweeping. 

As I continued to think about it, I thought this is just like ministry. Sometimes we don’t know the impact our prayers and words are having on people in the moment. Sometimes we wonder if we are making any difference at all, but then Jesus brings someone along to encourage us to keep going or he blesses us by letting us see some of the fruit from it. His word does not return null or void. Seeds are being planted and he will nourish it long after I’m gone.

I moved from that courtyard to a side patio. Megan Schneider, a racer on my squad, came alongside me and asked if I would like help sweeping because she was done with her task.

“Absolutely! The more the merrier.”

After sweeping for awhile, Megan spoke up, “You know at first I didn’t think sweeping was making much of a difference, but when I saw how clean your side was looking it really encouraged me. I think ministry is like that. Sometimes you think you aren’t accomplishing anything, but then you see what is happening next to you in someone else and God encourages you…”

I literally started jumping up and down. It probably unnerved her at first (though she is probably used to my boisterousness by now). I shared that God shared the same revelation with me!

I just want to encourage you if you are faithfully pursuing Jesus and furthering his kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven” like he commands us, don’t stop! Keep running the race! You are not alone! We will never fully know or comprehend the effects our words and actions have until we get to heaven with Jesus, but man, what a glorious day that’ll be! 

And if you’re not following Jesus, what’s stopping you?! His arms are wide open to receive you if you’ll accept Him.

This is a picture from when we went and bought cleaning supplies. we prayed for a lady who was a worker at the store. She helped me find the hand soap. Life is ministry and ministry is life. We don’t need to overcomplicate it.