Dear Daddy,
You have been showing up in so many ways! You have already provided camping supplies through awesome family members, you have supplied me with a plane ticket to training camp, and you have shown me in many ways that you have called me to this mission. Daddy I am here in wait while you move in the area finances I know you are my provider and my protector… But can I just know how you’re going to do it? lol I know I know I need to just sit back and trust but Daddy it would be much easier if you could just tell me 🙂 … Daddy please help my teammate as we move towards this next deadline. Please bless all of us with an overwhelming peace and comfort that you are in control. I ask you to bless all of your accounts and move in the hearts and hands of those that you have called to support us. Thank you for being in control and thank you for giving us this chance to learn how to trust you….
Your Princess