What My Daddy Says is True

What my daddy says is true 
He can not tell a lie
He says that I am beautiful 
He delights in the sparkle of my eye

What my daddy says is true 
He can not look away 
He created me for His glory  
His affection are new everyday

What my daddy says is true 
He is my protector and provider 
He guards my heart and mind
He holds my hand and is my comforter 

What my daddy says is true 
My kingdom dreams are not to big for Him 
I am right where He needs me to be
I am His princess and I co-labor with Him

What my daddy says is true 
He will never stop loving me no matter what I do
He gently wipes away my tears 
He knows when to whisper I love you

What my daddy says is true 
He created me unique  
He created me to be His warrior
He created me to be His friend 
He created me to love 
He created me to be His beloved
He created me to delight in
He created me for Him

What my daddy says is true 
He can not tell a lie
He says that I am beautiful 
He delights in the sparkle of my eye