Dear Daddy,
Thank You for bringing me to this place.  A place where I have no control, trust You completely, stand on Your word alone, and believe that You are placing these deadlines here for a reason and will fulfill them.  It amazes me how You do not cease to blow me away with those that You want to use to support me instead of who I think You should use to support me.  Daddy please be with my teammates and I during this time.  Guard our hearts and minds from the enemy.  Give us the knowledge and comfort through Your word and Your Spirit that we need to have to fight off our doubts and fears of these deadlines made by man!  Holy Spirit give us a new excitement for our calling, up rise new gifts, new passions, and new desires to fulfill Your destiny for us through this journey.  Place before us iron to sharpen us and prepare our hearts for our next chapter, break our hearts for what breaks Yours!  Daddy You are good and thank You for always being faithful to the end!
Your Princess