So I keep putting off writing a blog…. I have about a million ideas and when I sit down to write or finally get a moment to type it doesn’t work. So here it goes I am starting from scratch no pressure on myself to write a thank you blog, a comparing every country and ministry blog, a list of do’s and don’ts blog, or  any profound blog with amazing concepts just an update on what I am doing and how life is going for me. 

We have had several team changes in the past two months (these have not been easy) one of our dearly loved teammates Sarah was moved to a different team and then in the middle of last month a squad mate from O Squad joined our team for the month.  He is from Mexico and got kicked out of Albania because Mexico and Albania had just started a political war since launch and he was not allowed to stay in Albania.  Since Sarah left I prayed that the Lord would either unite our team together or bring someone else that would help unify us all.  I believe Daniel the Mexican 🙂 was an answer to my prayers and was the Kindred Spirit and Iron that I… we needed as a team to unify us and help us grow together and individually. However, I didn’t know my answer to my prayers would start a political war.

My Daddy is so good and knows exactly what I need exactly when I need it.  Our time together was very precious and the Lord worked in so many new ways in all of our lives. Daniel’s heart for the supernatural life not only excited me but encouraged me that I am not alone in my life style and others also desire to see the Holy Spirit come and expect for the Lord to move in big ways wherever we are.  Our team became more united than ever before.  We wanted the supernatural life and were getting to see the Holy Spirit move in big ways! We went into debrief excited ready for the next month of ministry.

This month is the first month that our team has been by ourselves since Ecuador and we have definitely needed this time to reconnect… Coming off the debrief high and fully charged and ready to take on the world again! We are living in an apartment in down town Uzghorod, Ukraine and have amazing ministries that we are working with.  We get walk beautiful river walk and full bloomed Japanese Cherry blossom streets every morning to our ministry sites (which include but not limited to holding abandoned babies, coffee ministry where we meet up with church contacts and sit in a coffee shop and try to make friends with people that they know are lost, youth ministry, teach English classes, topical conversations with college students in the library, and whatever else they need us to go.)  

I am very excited about this month and the relationships that we are going to build with the students and contacts. My favorite part is that they want us to make friendships with the contacts and locals and have them over for dinner parties and games nights because that is very big in the culture. (If you know me this is speaking my love language! I love filling a home with people having fun and eating!)  However, more than any of these things I am just excited to walk through a normal door into a normal apartment and call it home.  This has been the first time in 5 months that I have felt even slightly normal and I am excited to take it all in.  I never knew that I would be excited and feel normal being in an apartment across the world doing laundry in a machine that I can’t read and cooking dinner for my teammates with food that I am not quite sure it is.  However it gave me such joy and delight to be in a normal comfortable setting that I never thought would be possible to have on the world race.  My Daddy is very good to me and I am excited about this month and am praying that the Lord uses us in ways we will be blown away with than we will ever know 🙂
I am still not yet fully funded and am praying that those that the Lord has called to support me will answer the call and be a part of my journey in this way. I know that The Lord will bless you and your family for being a part of my world financially and prayerfully. I want to thank you in advance for what you have already done and will do for being a part of His mission around the world through your financial support for my teammates and I.

Here are 3 ways you can contribute

1. Mail donations directly to me Heather Miller 133 Nebo Walker Rd. Nebo, WV, 25141

2. Mail check donation to: Adventures In Missions, PO Box 534470, Atlanta, GA, 30353-4470 (Please make checks payable to Adventures In Missions and in the memo note please write Heather Miller #NSquad)

3. Monthly donation(s) and one time donations online: Visit my blog site at: Just click the “Support Me” link in the upper left side of the page and complete your donation as instructed. You can set the beginning and end date for either option.

The next deadline and to be fully funded is by June 1, 2013. To be fully funded I need a total of $15,500 in my account which means I still need $3,500 before June 1, 2013.

Praying that The Lord places it on your heart to use you in supporting me! More Blogs to Come!