About a year ago I was asking God to show me something in a big way and He did! During a Bible study I thought “Lord reveal to me what you want ME to do” right after I thought that a friend shared a vision they were just given of me tying my shoes and preparing to run a race and they were given Ephesians 6:15.  With this vision and Bible verse the Lord revealed to me that I was called to a mission’s trip called The World Race.  This missionary organization takes young adults to 11 countries in 11 months.
             At first I was very excited but after a while some things happened and I didn’t want to go anymore.  However, recently the Lord revealed to me during Sunday worship that I wasn’t giving Him my all.  He spoke to me and said “You’re singing this song but you’re not giving it all to me.  If you were you wouldn’t be running from The World Race.  Are you giving Me your all by not going?  If I have called you to go do you not think I will protect you and take care of you? ”  Then it hit me if I really wanted to be used in every way, like I sing and talk about, I need to be willing to be used the way He wants, not how I think I want to be used.
            So here I am signed up, ready to leave everything behind for 11 months, give my all to Jesus, and go around the world sharing Christ’s Love. I am so excited to see how God is going to work and move through this adventure!