Today I was walking down the street in Saquisili trying to find a food market to buy our food and it finally hit me that this is real life.  This is real life for the next 11 months wondering around strange new cities trying to find food to eat because we do not have a Wal-Mart, Kroger’s, or Giant to go to get our food or supplies from.  As I walked down this strange road looking at all the different people thinking this is exciting, new, fun, etc. however all in the same moment thinking this is scary, unfamiliar, intimidating, and different.   

I am so excited to see God moving in the lives of the Tias their warm welcoming smiles comforting embraces and love that they have for the children is contagious. The children are recognizing us and trusting us in new ways. I know the Lord is moving here in big ways just by seeing His love being shared in every way possible.
This week has been very difficult; I found out that my grandfather went into the hospital right after our team just had an awesome break through. These roller coasters of emotions are becoming higher and stronger as time goes on.  However I know The Lord is strengthening me and encouraging me in many new ways.

As soon as I told my teammates about my grandfather The Lord used them right away.  They stepped up prayed for my grandfather, my family, and me.  The Lord uses everything for His good for example I do not believe that The Lord wanted my grandfather in the hospital whatsoever and I believe fully that one touch of His finger my grandfather’s heart and whole body could become 25yrs old again however in this moment the Lord is teaching me to trust Him even more than I physically, mentally, and emotionally think I can. He is teaching me to trust Him that He has my family in His hands, to trust my teammates, to trust in my own faith, and trusting in my own relationship with Him.  

I am learning that my Daddy hears my prayers and is holding my hand through this process I just have to keep reminding myself that He is bigger than I know and that this is an adventure to be enjoyed not distressed over.  I need to lay things down at His feet and keep trusting in Him no matter what my flesh keeps telling me.