Whats up guys!!!!

For almost 4 years now Ive known that I am called to missions, but I wasn’t sure when or where I’d go. After graduating in 2018, I have felt this burning desire in my heart to just go, but where??

After hours, and I mean HOURS of prayer asking God where He wants me and what He wants me to do, I felt the Holy Spirit leading me towards The World Race Gap Year!

Now, if you’re wondering what World Race Gap Year is, its a 9 month mission trip! Starting in September I will be living in 3 different countries over the span of the 9 months! I have decided to embark on route 3 so I will be going to Thailand, India, and Costa Rica! I will spend 3 months in each of these countries, carrying the name of Jesus into the nations!

During these 9 months, we will simply be the hands and feet of Jesus. We will serve and love whoever God puts before us. We will be sharing the good news of the gospel and the hope of the wild redemptive love that Jesus offers FREELY!!! Even if just one more comes to know Our king, it will all be worth it!

I am so excited to step into the calling the Lord has so specifically placed on my heart!  

If you’d like to support me prayerfully or financially, thank you does not even begin to express my gratitude! 

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have ANY questions!!


All my love,


Hanna Munsey 



“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me.”