The Lord gave me a vision of the back of my head staring at the Great Pyramids many months ago. I saw it numerous times not knowing that God was actually going to take me there within the next year.
It’d be the place where He’d finish the two and a half year chapter of the World Race that I once thought would only be 11 months.
I never wanted or felt qualified to be a squad leader, and then He called me to it three times.
He gave me ~106 different lovers of God to be on a squad with; ~28 ministries we worked with; ~67 places where I’d lay my head –
whether it be in a tent on the side of the mountain in Honduras where we carried lumber for miles to build a church,
a living room floor in someone’s house in Malaysia – the place where I experienced God’s Power for the first time in a way that could knock someone to the ground,
or in the kitchen of a hostel that one night in Budapest when we shared the Gospel with some European backpackers doing drugs.
For all that one could write on paper about what these last two and a half years were; it couldn’t scratch the surface of what they meant. Of what He did in this stubborn heart.
Of what He did to make my heart bleed for the nations. Of how He dug through the layers of mud within me and filled me back up and planted His all-sufficient love and revelation.
I’ll never forget those times of fellowship with that woman pimp in a red light district of a country in SE Asia
or that suicidal Costa Rican that the Lord led me to chase after twice and just hug her even if she wouldn’t let me pray for her
or that college student in the 10-40 window that started crying in amazement as we preached the Gospel to her, and shared our testimony, and she said she felt God so close
or that sweet Ukrainian girl who held my hand so tightly those times in Romanian church as her country is senselessly bombed
or that Albanian young adult who said he needed proof to believe in God, and then God went ahead and healed his leg, and he sat there in amazed unbelief.
I won’t forget the squad-mates that held me in tears, that shook territory of the devil with me in intercession and saw waves of the Spirit break in, that communed with me and helped me to break free,
that worshipped with everything we had and brought Heaven to Earth, that laughed and adventured, that broke through the stubbornness of my heart and made me see I cannot do this life alone, that became family and showed me the way to authority and Kingdom living.
I won’t forget every Messenger of the Gospel I met that has gone before me across continents and the on fire believers faithful amid persecution and hardship. Oh how they taught me an enduring faith that shared Jesus no matter what.
More than it all, I just stand in awe of knowing Jesus Christ. Someone spoke that over me before I left for the World Race; that this all would be about God capturing my heart more.
I’m captured
Lord I don’t want to ever go back
Lord you have my all
Lord you’ve taken me to find the call
What was going to be an 11 month trip has now become my prayer for what the rest of my days will look like.
Knowing Christ and making Him known in the nations. At any moment, being led in obedience and moved by compassion for the one. Always bearing all things, sharing all things, rejoicing all things with community that points me back to Him.
We’ve been sent.
The Great Commission is every Christian’s vision; there’s billions of people who don’t know the Gospel; there’s billions that are suffering without the Comforter; there’s billions who’s hearts live under darkness that don’t know the Light that wants to overcome it.

Break our hearts God to do something about it – as those with the healing waters of the nations flowing through us (John 7:38, Ezekiel 47, Revelations 22).
I’m astonished by His love. I’m astonished that there is always deeper to go. He’s better than I could have ever imagined.
And this all is about Him. This is all is through His Grace alone. If we only knew that the freedom He purchased for us with His very own Holy Blood is in fact FREEDOM. That His love is in fact LOVE insurmountably better than any other.
Thank you Jesus for what you’ve done; thank you Jesus that this is only the beginning.
I’m in love with You
And I’ll never cease to be