Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.“ -Matthew 13

  the faith God asked me to have for Las Vegas I did not have.

Thousands upon thousands of ppl walk by the houseless every day, how many stop? 






The full curve of women’s breasts and butts exposed to the entire world, men flooding towards them like they were a dessert and greedy satisfaction for their souls. But to their visible sin, in me has been sin just as ugly, the self righteous kind.

Real Hope was a little person in a wheel chair on the elevated walkway with a sign titled “God bless.”

Again Christ in me had to stop though we were headed home.


The look in his eyes would make an entire strip of lights and movement and wandering souls fade away.

As if the kind, unadulterated heart of this one man could change this entire city.


His sign says God bless, and his heart actually says God bless.

I say Jesus loves you from the sweetness within found after 8 years of a Lord Jesus transforming me, shedding of myself.

I’ve been given a new heart, as each soul that I cross now matters.


He looks back at me in this moment, our eyes locked frozen in time, and he says the same back and to be safe in the most genuine way.

Because he cared about my security of all things he has to worry about.


The most genuine, compassionate, real interaction I had that whole night on the strip. The pearl in him more valuable than all the money, food, girls, shows, parties in all of Vegas.


And in him is the Kingdom that Jesus preached.

“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” -Matthew 20:16

And from him shall we be students


Little man, unaffected by circumstance

unaffected by a city that doesn’t see him

Little man strong and good

Little man in a wheel chair, Las Vegas Hope