
In perfect melody, two distinct cultures and styles come together to worship God. The diversity of the Kingdom in one room. Two styles of dance, two motions of worship, the same love

The fluttery eyes of an Indian girl hold the white hands of my teammates, swaying one side to the other

The one, God highlighted to me from the beginning, leads me in her traditional dance after I teach her a square dance.

Countless children holding and drawing on my Bible, surrounding me in their joyful love. I feel the presence of Jesus, I feel loved

I draw, never did I think God could use that skill so much. The first night the boy mimicked my every mark, this time the girl traced it, the other one asked me to draw her

I started to tear up as the lit-up boy draws crosses all over the hands of his friend. I get a sense this kid already deeply knows the Lord and is to be a powerful minister of the Gospel

We are many. We are one. We are in God. We are Heaven


The people of Heaven

And they are in it with me, I could tell an inspire story about culture and humanity if I really tried, Lord lead me

It is time to tell you about my Malaysian brothers and sisters who joined me in Heaven, otherwise known as eternal life communing with Jesus. They led my heart, my mind, and my spirit to be that much closer to it as we bonded in holy moments…



If you have read my blogs you have heard about this man already. Read my teammates blog to hear more about his incredible work as a pastor for the outsiders not for the insiders.

One of our last nights, I had to finish my watercolor painting for our friend. So, I sat on the dining room table and began. I stayed at that table as PT and Em had a divine conversation discussing apostleship and the simple but hard Gospel.

Suddenly, PT said you know that verse be as shrewd as snakes?

Even though I wasn’t technically part of the conversation, I hopped in and said YES!!!! I DO! 

My stomach and heart turned with excitement.

In this moment, the Lord confirms so explicitly that He truly does speak to me.

Do you remember my first blog about Malaysia where I discussed going to the stairs at debrief after worship? I had this lingering feeling in my stomach that I needed to express with the Lord alone.

I began speaking in tongues, and then as clearly and vividly as I’ve ever heard the voice of God, I am sending you as sheep among wolves popped in my head. I was like, okay, so that’s how this month is going to be; sounds intense.

Days later, God led me to Matthew 10, and I realized that is where Jesus says this phrase. Right next to this verse, Jesus also says be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

As the month went on, we learned about PT’s true cause that is strategic and sly.

He goes to places where pastors don’t go and spends time with those considered the greatest of sinners in society, acting as one of them. His ultimate goal is sharing Christ to youth in danger to offer them a better future.

When I heard about this, I thought, that is the shrewdest thing I’ve heard. It makes sense why God spoke Matthew 10 over this month; it describes who PT is and what his calling is.

Hence, I could barely believe it when he brought up that verse with Em. I told him how God spoke that verse over this month even before I knew a single thing about you or what you do.

I asked him to elaborate on why he brought up that verse.

He explained how this verse was a turning point for him. He recognized that we need to be soft and innocent, like a sheep, in our hearts. But, in our brains, we must be strategic and smart. Among wolves of this world we must appear strong though we may feel weak from the inside.

This is PT in a nutshell.

He described how mixing strategy with heart has led him to be so much more effective.

He also explained that his methods aren’t for everyone; you must have a strong foundation rooted in the Word, worship, and prayer. Being heavily rooted, you can bend your roots to different places and snap right back.

PT is truly one of kind.

The last days with him we laughed and appreciated each other. He said our team was one of the first to give sermons and worship with such passion and to reach out to the community on our own in boldness…

An inspiring example: a kid at the special needs school had a breakdown. Angelica brought him outside and held his hand attempting to calm him down. God was like why aren’t you praying? So Angelica asked whatever was causing this to leave in Jesus name. At that moment, she saw peace come over the boy as his breathe and body slowed. The teachers of a different faith were like what did you do? She said I prayed in the name of Jesus. Angelica ended the day praying over the same teacher (the class I was in) as tears fell from her face.

It is my pleasure to stay in touch with PT and make suggestions in terms of marketing. Funding is a major barrier with their congregation that he considers poor, and in a country that discriminates opportunity based on ethnicity and religion.

Contact me if you’d like to donate to his life altering cause! I helped him create a PayPal account for it.



PT’s mom

I got to step into the story of PT’s mom in multiple heart to heart conversations. She paved the way of faith for her five sons even through the death of her husband. She teared up to me explaining her doubts but also her deep convictions. 

She will continue serving everyone else, taking care of her grandchildren during the day, and hosting volunteers until the Lord stops giving her the strength. 

I stepped into a faithful woman’s everyday walk.

She served us, and I tried to serve her. She brought up stories of praying for healing over the sick, how Salvation is of the Lord, and how we cannot grow weary in well doing (Galatians 6). 

She said it does not matter if people recognize the good you do; it is God who crowns you. Boy, did I need to hear that.

Days before, the Spirit put it on my heart to give PT’s mom my Grandma’s necklace along with a note.

It was a holy and healing moment for me, commemorating my Grandma that just passed in the Fall. She then asked for my address in Colorado. Heavenly connection with her.

Ironically, I’m just remembering how in my blog, “Hope through generations,” I wrote about my Grandma and the same verse in Galatians that PT’s mom happened to bring up!

And cannot forget about this women that stayed with us the first part of our time in Malaysia. It was a pleasure to paint her nails. Though we could not communicate words, my squad-mates communicated a whole lot of love with her through touch and laughter.


The Youth

The last days in Malaysia, I spent extra time with the boys that occasionally stayed at our house and some other young Indian Malay believers.

In my last time with PT’s mom’s grandson, full of energy and spiderman moves, I drew with him on the ground.

He drew me and tried to write that he loves Hannah. All the kids had a fascination with my colored markers (an object as simple as this means so much to those with less).

I thought I’d give him one of my markers as a goodbye gift.

Thirty minutes later he ran into our room and gave me the marker back. That is a vision of our Heavenly family where we outdo each other in giving and honor, where the children teach us about the Kingdom of God.

PT’s daughter and I got close and shared many beautiful moments together. I chose her vibrant, grounded soul to make a pastel portrait of. I gave it as a thank you gift to their family…

One of the teens with the coolest of vibes and a kind heart, had his friend in town. I ended up having a cool conversation with this joyful friend who proclaimed Bible stories.

It is the most encouraging and beautiful thing to relate with and see, even for just a conversation, an international brother or sister in Christ. The Lord is moving everywhere even when we can’t see it. 


A faithful single mother

One day, Em and I went to clean the church before service.

The church doors were locked, however, and we had no way of contacting people being that we only use Wi-fi.

We just sat outside the row of shops where the church is located.

One of the kids who stayed at the house came by on a motorcycle with his mom. We had spent a lot of fun times with him, but we had not met anyone in his immediate family.

We had no idea that this bright kid had lost his dad. His mom told us she is a widow. Yet, she wears joy and faith that moved us. She had spent six years spreading the Good News in countries we were going to. She spoke of times where she fasted 40 days and the power that flowed through her. And then, PT’s brother drove us home and told us he was in the middle of a fast, 40 days only water.

It got me thinking, have I really given my whole self to Jesus? Seeing these people, I identify the hesitation in me. I am called to more.   

Em asked her if we can pray over her.

The coolest part was days later we got the chance to see her again and meet her daughter. She told us that Em’s prayer really impacted her and got our contact information.

She continued to send prayer requests, calling her Heavenly family to partner with her in her walk as a single mother.

Her son just sent me the exact words, out of nowhere, that I needed to hear from God on the day where I was hit by the struggles of reality of the current circumstances of my journey and of the world: search people, the answers are everywhere, you are chosen, a strong building for Christ and the Holy Spirit, the worth of the world comes from the Bible, and the connection to the Spirit through prayer

I was taken back, clearly the Holy Spirit working and answering the desires of his faithful mother and reaching out to me in my time of need.

He is able to do the same for you. He knocks on the doors of every human’s heart calling them to commune and join the Heavenly family of Christ.  


My Catholic friend

So you have probably heard how the first days in Malaysia we stayed in our hot house all 13 of us. It was not good for our mental state.

There was a turning point when we decided we were going to make opportunity in our town. Many of my squad-mates randomly found a gym they went to often and met people.

Em, John, and I went on a prayer walk or “treasure hunt” (where you ask the Lord to highlight some-thing/one/where for your walk). Sure enough we walked to the mall, the main thing to do in this town, and encountered someone…or he encountered us.

He came up behind us in a motorcycle and asked where are you going?

We told him to the mall. I noticed a large cross hanging from his neck.

Before he left, I complimented his necklace. We learned he was Catholic, and we blessed him. We thought it was cool but didn’t really think much of it. 

Weeks later, I think it was, we ran into him again on his motorcycle.

We talked to him and found out that he really is on fire for the Lord and present-day miracles. He goes to different houses and prays healing over people.

We were in a rush to get back to our house on time, so I asked we have to go, but how can we be praying for you? He asked for a phone number. 

Days later, we had dinner and worship at our house. I walk out to the front patio, and there he is! We find out that he has been friends with PT’s mom since childhood, and he just connected the dots that we were staying with her.

He asked PT’s mom to come pray for his sick family member just days before.

PT’s mom told me of his radical conversion story from Hindu to Catholic involving black magic, a hurtful ex-wife, and a Catholic friend pursuing him resulting in his conversion. 

The rest of his family is still Hindu.

He had never attended PT’s church. Our last night there, he did.

PT’s mom hadn’t thought of inviting him (in these countries it appears Christianity and Catholicism are seen as different religions), but I think our relationship with him led him to come that night. He brought his Hindu niece who needed prayers!

Our last church service was epic…

My racers leading worship “Faith and Wonder,” loudly singing the name of Jesus, I felt I was in Heaven. We did holy communion and their church welcomes all to the body and blood of Jesus. It was Heaven taking communion with our Indian Malay fellow humans.

We ended the night in prayer; we all gathered around his niece. I got to talk to her and bless her.

A simple prayer walk out of our day led to this.

Since being back in the States, he messages me almost everyday in great faith as my 60+ previously Hindu, Catholic brother in Christ.

Just the other day I was struggling with reentry, feeling alone and different in how I see things now. It is hard to steward all I’ve experienced coming home in such a time as this. And he messages me the exact words of faith I needed to hear:

I only wear the cross of Jesus the powerful one..u told me its awesome. For your info I am not scared of this deadly virus. U know why, the Lord is my protection. He is my Savior, protector, and healer whom I TRUST. There is no fear in me…U AND YOUR FAMILY WILL BE SAFE. BE STRONG AND PRAY HARD (I GOT THAT FEELING). God bless. Amen.

It’s extra cool for me, because Catholicism has been such a huge part of my faith walk throughout college and with close friends. I don’t think there should be any divide between us.

They are my brothers and sisters who will join me in eternal life just like anyone else.

Not only did God place this friend and oneness in my life, but it also led into a good conversation with PT’s mom.

She was previously Catholic, and her family still is Catholic. It was a big deal for her to in a way convert from Catholicism to the more charismatic Christianity.

I believe I played a role (as she played such a role speaking wisdom into me that night on other subjects) in trying to unify the two sects. I shared how I have so many friends who are Catholic with incredible relationships with the Lord. I pray her Catholic family would find that too.

That final night of church was heavenly. After service, we took pictures and laughed together, staying long though we were to leave early the next morning.


It is souls like these that I pray Heaven for too…

 *many of these Em’s photos

A shadow of glory…

 And whenever I’m abroad, sports always have their way of uniting, bonding humans and cultures in a heavenly way…



The most beautiful sound I’ve heard


On the hike with Roger and Lee. We watch the sky go by and the cool breeze hit us as we climb a mountain in his car.

We are randomly in Malaysia on this random day in a random car with random new friends from all over and random new locals doing this random adventure.

The billions of moments and encounters man could have in life, and we’re blessed we got this one, simply from deciding to take a night walk.

Taking a random turn where a woman was randomly cleaning outside and decided to invite us in, where her brother Roger would initiate generosity with papaya and future plans.

How He sent me outside every time Roger would come by…

On the walk back from the serene distant sunset, upon the ocean and from a heavenly lit background, to monkeys jumping, to this 61-year-old Chinese Malay booking it up the mountain, we hear a noise.

The highest of pitches, the smallest of life making the loudest cry for living, for praising its Creator, for just being alive in this moment. It’s a whole sensory experience.

A break from the Malaysian heat, into a jungle breeze.

The red and yellow sun spreading through the trees to reach me and tell me of God’s glory as that alien noise rings in my ear. And I just know the beauty that He let us experience

I plant myself like Roger says looking at the afterglow of sunset over the sea and plains, clouds and fishing boats slowly lighting up. 

Much of my experience in Malaysia will always be marked by the man commonly known in his community as “the Malaysian Santa Clause.”

Hannah and I literally last minute one night decided to take a walk and get out of the house.

We turned down a specific street and had the encounter I’d been praying for.

Roger lives next door to his sister; his sister was our gateway to Roger.

Neither of us had phone service, so you can imagine our team might have worried about us being gone for maybe two hours on our night walk.

We had to stay though when she invited us in. We had to accept their hospitality, endless Chinese New Year treats and fresh papaya they gave. We sat down and talked as the cute Grandma and Roger joined. 

We spoke of our love for nature and learned that Roger is part of an extreme hiking club. Quickly, he said “I’ll take you on a hike.” Hannah got his contact information.

He said you guys and two more can come to see Mount Jerai with my wife and I. We prayed about who to invite – John and Em.

We talked the entire way there about many things including his journey from rebellious to generous and my own journey where God changed everything.

Once we got to the base of Mount Jerai (which by the way Hannah, John, and I were hoping we’d get to go, but didn’t think we’d have time), Roger said you guys want to hop out and ride in the back of the truck.

It was a dreamy, windy ride up every monkey-filled-switchback.

The top was absolutely stunning.

Roger shared of three times he’s seen spirits and how it means he has good karma.

Hannah shared of her experience in Bali seeing a spirit the first night and how after they prayed, they never were bothered again (the month before, two of our teams slept in tents between Hindu temples, hearing loud prayer calls at 4am every morning, and witnessing the spiritual realm, like praying over a young girl with a dark spirit in her, said to have entered her and paralyzed her at the passing of her uncle).

The hike we did was heavenly. Good thing we brought John, because he was the only one who could keep up with Roger.

 We couldn’t take a picture of the view at the top, but I will remember it forever. That high-pitched bug noise amid golden hour on a forested mountain looking out at the sea surely was the most beautiful and otherworldly sound I’ve heard.

We walked back as it got darker, by people’s homes, where I could feel spiritual heaviness. Back at the truck, they had waiting for us a cooler of iced drinks.

To finish off the night they treated us to an elaborate Chinese dinner pre-ordered for us. Incredible.

Good thing we brought Em as we heard about Lee’s heart condition. Em was born with a hole in heart that was miraculously healed. Then in Africa, she was in a hospital and saw miraculous healing over someone’s heart condition she prayed for. Em preached about this at the Indian church and now felt a special connection to Lee for this reason.

Not only this, but we told them it was Em’s birthday the next week.

Hence, Roger planned a birthday celebration at his house.

Roger brought up faith at the very end of the dinner and shared how he has had a lot of encounters with Christianity, but he said let’s not try to influence each other, let’s just enjoy each other. 

Em and I stayed back one weekend and had a mind-blowing day with Roger from Dim Sum to a local fisherman town; that deserved a whole blog.

That day we became like family. We went to their house in the middle of the day and saw statues of gods/idols they worship and learned they consider themselves Taoist/Buddhist.

Roger and I especially bonded over water and adventure, and I prayed over our meal that night.

 Almost every day after that first hike, Roger showed up at our house and dropped off some drink or food.

It seemed every time we ran out of bananas, there was Roger on his motorcycle with the highest quality exotic bananas for all 13 of us. His generosity is truly unmatched.

Hannah and I went to his house one day to watch him in his element cleaning fish. Every restaurant we went to with them, they had so many friends. Their home was no different as people stopped by to pick up seafood.

This is the fish that he cooked in sweet and sour sauce for Em’s birthday dinner.

It was our last time with them, and it was a serene night.

While he was cooking like a true chef, he told us to say our blessing over the meal.

These Chinese dishes were SO delicious.

I mentioned before that I love pineapple and watermelon, so of course he brought plenty. Even PT stopped by to meet them (which I think in this culture is very special; there are harsh divides between the three main ethnic groups – Chinese, Indian, and Malay-who legally must be Muslim).

He served us special beer and overflowed with joy just having us over. He said about me she’s like a daughter to me.

We racers give prophecies and encouragements over the birthday girl/guy. With Roger and Lee and some of their family listening, we did this for Em. 

We poured out such love seeing Em for the powerful and wise builder she is in the Kingdom of God. Literally four people got an image of tall grass for Em that night. After we finished, Roger was deeply moved, you guys call me generous, but after seeing that, I don’t even compare to your generosity. We planted about a billion, loving seeds that one dinner in the most unforced, unplanned way possible.

I gave them a painting and a verse and Hannah a poem to say thank you for ALL they did for us. Watch their reaction in my video.

Angelica told him all he has done for us strongly reflects the character of Jesus, and I said probably my hardest goodbye.

We hope future racer teams will get the pleasure of experiencing their hospitality too now that we made the relationship (it is hard to not notice when visiting white people are in that neighborhood, as there are no others). 

A simple walk with intentional prayer and all this came, imagine if we didn’t turn down their street that night. Thank you, God.

Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me…And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.

– Matthew 10 (this verse that fits who Roger was to us in abundance is in the same chapter as the verse God spoke over the whole month I just realized!)