As I sit here, wide awake, all I can think about is the phrase “you’re going to change the world.” Something that has been spoken over me for years. Countless people, from many regions of the world, have delivered those words into my ears. Wide awake and all I can think of is, how. All I can think of is music. And all I can think of is a conversation I had one afternoon with a dear sweet friend of mine in Señor Fiesta, where we talked about the long run. We talked about taking small hard steps that are needed in order to chase after the thing you want most. Painful leaps of obedience. It’s in the midst of those steps where you will lose sight of why you started walking. And it’s nights like these where you need a wake up call. In my case a literal wake up call. To why you’re actually here. Why people believe “you’re going to change the world”. A phrase that can easily go to ones head, one that can come with freedom or with chains. I have no idea how. No idea what. No idea where or when. If it is Gods plan to use me in a way that can change the world big or small, let it be done. Worship is not just  something that I do… this is a lifestyle that I choose to live day in and day out. The longer I sit here waiting for a definite answer of “how”, the more time I am wasting away that could be filled with joyful noise and thanksgiving. The more time we spend questioning the Will of God the less time we spend giving Him the praise He deserves. We ask so often for “His will to be done” and yet we forget that the very second we are asking for it, it is already happening. If we are to worship an ETERNAL, EVERLASTING, FAITHFUL, STEADFAST, LOVING FATHER we need to live right now. We need to stop whining when we don’t get what we want and thank Him for what we already have. He found us when we were lost. He created us out of DUST. Nights we spend crying out, He heard every tear that fell upon our cheeks. Days our anger burned like coal, He remained patient. When we are crippled by anxiety and suicide seems like the only option, He grants us peace and He gives us purpose. And when we are reaching for Him, He holds on to us tighter than white knuckles in a clenched fist. 

“And I reach out and you find me in the dust, You say no amount of untruths can separate us” 

 This is the SIMPLE GOSPEL. Not that Jesus died on the cross but WHY HE DIED ON THE CROSS. He finds us in our happiest moments and He finds us in our lowest and no matter the cost He is running full force to you. His EVERLASTING, ETERNAL, STEADFAST LOVE WILL NEVER STOP. He is fearlessly, unashamedly in love with you and you can’t stop it. People can say what they will, they can try and separate you from this love but the simple gospel is that they can’t. This is not a religion, this is a relationship because this is the most beautiful love story I have ever heard of. The most real relationship I have ever been apart of. So as for “how” I will change the world… that’s how. With the Simple Gospel.