hey there friends, family, supporters, & strangers!
yes, it’s true! adventures in missions is making the switch to a new website and with it, all affiliated missionaries are as well. i’m currently in the process of personalizing my page, as it is very new to me, but i wanted to go ahead and let you all in on it.
with this switch comes some change in how you can give and keep up to date on my life and ministry. from now on this current page will NOT be accepting donations on my behalf. if you attempt to give financially it won’t go through (and that includes all past monthly donors 🙂 )
this also means that to continue to receive email updates every time i post a blog you will need to subscribe to my new page. currently i am working on a way to manually add all emails back to this page, but until then i will link this new page below for you to see.
i will be posting a couple old blogs, and from now will post my big updates on this new giving link.
New BLOG link
and on the topic of giving i would love to invite you into a fundraising update:
currently we have raised $3,612, out of the total $5,950. this is AWESOME! i have felt so grateful to everyone who has taken the time to prayerfully give into this current season of ministry. giving in this current season is truly a partnership with what the Lord is doing in my personal life, as i continue through center for global (cga) and become more equipped for long-term missions.
by november 1st i need to raise $1,388 in order to meet the next deadline. finances contribute to my living expenses as well as class curriculum and our final week long project.
if you would prayerfully consider giving, all donations can now be received through the link listed above, or you can just click HERE. as we make this transition, if you would feel more comfortable giving through another platform i also have venmo (gretchenwaters) and paypal ([email protected]). for check or cash, please email me at the the address listed or text me !!
thank you! love you! excited, as always, to see what the Lord will do!